Chapter Twenty Nine

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"I was actually coming to see you today" Lillian said, still hugging me, and I chuckled

"Well I'm here now" I said after breaking the hug, "How have you been? And dad?" I asked,

"I'm fine oh and he's fine too, he went out. I'm just here doing my job and all that" she said, and shrugged. I looked at her in a suspicious way.

"Why? What happened?" I asked and ignored my question.

"Come sit," she said and I sat down on the confy Sofa, "what would you like to eat?" she asked, that was when I realised that I was hungry

"My favourite is fine. But first, tell me what happened, I know something is up" I said and she raised an eyebrow at me

"Mmhm, just the way something is up with you right? Because this your eyes shows that you have been crying. So I guess that means we both have a lot to say." she said, making me chuckle, "Let me quickly prepare something for us and then we can talk" she said, and went to the kitchen.

She brought some juice for me before she went back to the kitchen again, I felt like a guest in my father's house, I guess that's what being married does to you. Much time passed and she was done cooking, we ate in silence and now we were in my room, conversing, we both sat on the bed and rested our back on the headboard.

"So tell me what you meant earlier" I said to her and she breathed out deeply

"Hmm my dear, I was hear oh.. Did you know that Mimi already moved in?" she said,

"I'm not surprised at all" I said

"If you see the way she now orders me around, like I'm her maid. Hmm, even your dad doesn't treat me the way she does"

"Did you talk to him about it?"

"Of course not, I'm trying to handle the situation in a mature way, and I don't want to bother him with all these petty issues" she said, and I shook my head,

"I still think that you should let him know, we both know that Mimi won't stop" I said

"Yeah, but please don't tell him, I want to handle it myself" she said and I nodded. "The other day she lied against me and I actually thought that I had lost my job, she's just frustrating I tell you"

"I'm sorry about that Lillian, I know very soon all her evil ways will be out in the open"

"Definitely, and even if you try to talk to your dad about it, he won't believe you, so let me handle it okay?" she said, and I just stared at her, I wonder why she doesn't want me to let dad know? She was behaving kinda weird, it was unlike her.

"Oh I've been wanting to say this but I forgot, you finally lose your braids!" she exclaimed excitedly and I smiled "This colour suits you perfectly, but why didn't you make another one?"

"I just wanted to go all natural for a while, and besides I don't have that kind of money anymore, have you forgotten how much the last one cost?" I asked and she chuckled.

"It's true oh, but you could have told me, and I'm sure you didn't tell your husband right? I know he would have given you some money" she said and I rolled my eyes.

"I don't want anything from him" I said clearly,

"Why would you say that? It's not as if you are working or something, and besides he's your husband... "

"Not for long" I cut her off and she was taken aback by this.

"What happened Sophie? You and I both know that you can't divorce him, it will make your dad freak out"

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