Chapter Thirty Four

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.                   *Sophia *

I served him some plantains, omelets by the side, and a glass of orange juice. As I served him, I couldn't help but notice him watching my every move, probably can't believe his eyes right now. I sat beside him on the round table, as he took the first bite of the food, I waited in anticipation for his reaction.

"Wow, this is good!" he said as he ate more, this made me smile.

"Thanks" I said

"Did you really make this?" he asked and I rolled my eyes at him while I stood up and so did he. "I mean, you can just admit that you ordered it, you don't have to impress me.. " he said and I became amused myself.

"And what gave you the impression that I'm trying to impress you? FYI I don't impress people, it's usually the other way around " I said and he raised his hands up in surrender

"Okey, I agree madame. Just don't burn down the house when you're cooking anything." he said, taken me aback. He started laughing

"You should see the look on your face right now" he said and quickly took a picture of me, and I spank his arm, I continued hitting him playfully, it didn't stop him from laughing. He started running around the house and I went after him, his laughter was contagious actually, I didn't know when I started having fun myself.

He ran towards the living room and in no time I cut on to him, I trapped him on the wall with my hands on both side of the wall.

"What were you saying just now? " I asked and he chuckled

"Why do you like being bossy? You sound like a detective right now" he said and I spanked his arm, I wanted to spank him again and he grabbed both my hands. He swirled me around and now I was the one trapped on the wall, we both stared at each other in the eye.

I just realised our situation now, I didn't have time to comprehend anything as he slowly kissed me. I kissed him back, I've missed him so much that I had no idea I did. And although the possible thoughts of him being with other women crossed my mind, I couldn't stop myself from wanting him.

Later on, we both sat on the couch and the TV program was just going on, it wasn't enough to grab our attention, we make out on the couch as we talked about anything and everything. I never realised that my feelings for him were still this strong, I wanted to be the reason for his happiness.


                      *Daniel *

"Good morning!" Sophie greeted, I turned to see her a little perplexed about what was going on.

This is because I took the time this morning to make us some breakfast, it's a simple chips, omelets, bread and tea. I was already done setting the table, I turned to see her wearing just my black shirt, I smiled at that.

I placed my hands on her waist and pecked her lips, this made her chuckle. And did I mention that we finally consummated our marriage last night? She turned to look at the table.

"You made all of this?" she asked

"Yeah, I hope you like it" I said, as I helped her sit on the chair.

"I'm sure I will, everything looks nice, I didn't know that you can cook" she said, as I sat down beside her

"There are a lot of thing you don't know about me" I said

"Well I guess that makes two of us" she said as she started eating. "This is good" she said and I laughed.

"Yeah, it's better than yours " I said and she rolled her eyes at me.

Rich: A Nigerian love story जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें