Chapter Twenty Five

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"What does it look like?" I retorted and she scoffed

"Mummy! " she yelled and I walked pass her out of the kitchen, I met Angel on the way and she had a small smile.

"Hi Sophie! What's up? And what is making that one yell? " she asked and I shrugged, we were at the small hallway. The door to Mrs. Akindele's room opened and she came out with her sister, just then Becky called out "Mummy" again from behind us.

"Kini? Why are you yelling this way?" Mrs. Akindele asked getting annoyed, and Becky remained quiet, "What is it?" She asked again

"I saw this girl in our kitchen, that's why. She has never entered there before so I was wondering what happened" Becky said, and Angel looked at her sister amused.

"Yes, that's because I asked her to cook for us today" Mrs. Akindele said and Becky scoffed.

"What? Why mummy? What if she had burned down the kitchen?" Becky asked sounding furious now.

"Then I guess we should be happy that nothing like that happened right?" Mrs Akindele asked and then she walked passed us into the kitchen, with Aunt Shola behind her. "Come on, let's eat everyone" she said and everyone went after her, except me of course.

All that cooking made me full already, and also because I became a little nervous about the situation, what if it tastes horrible? Urgh! Why am I even bothered about it? I watched them all take their respective plate of rice to the living room.

I decided to go back to my room, I changed into a towel, and head for the bathroom to take a shower, when I heard my name.

"Sophie!" Becky yelled again, and I rushed to the small living room looking worried.

"What happened?" I asked once I reached there and I saw her glaring at me, Mrs. Akindele just stared at her food while Angel and Aunt Shola continued eating, wow! they're actually eating my food.

"This food have too much pepper! Did you even taste it?" she scolded and I rolled my eyes at her.

"I can't believe you called me here just because of that, can't you show a little appreciation... "

"Come on shut up!" Mrs. Akindele said, that took me by surprise actually. "you know nothing about cooking and here she is trying to correct you and you are busy giving her an attitude" she said and I stopped myself from saying anything.

"Come on Sister, give her a break, she did really well for a first attempt seriously" Aunty Shola defended, this made my heart warm, we're definitely going to get along.

"Your food is delicious Sophie" Angel said smiling and I smiled back

"Thank you babe" I said and then we heard Mrs. Akindele breathed out,

"Ok fine, I'm surprised that you did well for a first trial, but at the same time I'm happy you were able to prove me wrong. The food taste good, but next time, please be gentle with the peppers" she said and this brought a smile to my face, one that she returned.

"Ok, I will" was all I said, and then I left to go take a shower.

I'm pretty sure I'm gonna sleep well tonight, just because they thought my food was good. It made me remember those times I had complained about Lillian's food, now I know how she must have felt. Although she never complained, instead she would apologise and then make me something else, she's really the best. I'm gonna give her a call tomorrow, damn! tomorrow! the test! I'm surely gonna fail.


"Hey Sophie!" My course mate Rita said excitedly, she is a light, skinny girl, around my age.

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