Chapter Six

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                      * Daniel *

"You called for me" I said to Teddy, once I reached the living room, he was seated watching football. He grinned at me as soon as he saw me, however I couldn't return the smile, I was too heartbroken for that.

"Yeah I did, how's is it going? " he asked, and I just stood there, my hands behind my back. I could tell that he was up to something, I just didn't know what. He sipped his glass of red wine"Leave us. " he told his bodyguards and they reluctantly left. What does he want now?

"I noticed that you are a bit down these days, what is the matter? "he asked, looking at me intensely as if trying to read my reactions but I just shrugged.

"Nothing Teddy, I'm just trying to handle some personal problems, but I'll be alright" I said and he scoffed,

"Personal problems" he muttered more to himself, the smile never leaving his face. "What problem is that? If you don't mind me asking " he asked, but he didn't let me answer, "Anyways I'm sure you don't, so tell me" he said. I tried my best to keep my cool, my hands in my pocket,

"Nothing in particular, just trying to raise enough money to support my family that's all" I lied while looking at him straight in the eye.

"Are you sure that's the reason? I mean everyone else have that problem but you don't see them getting all moody" he said, and I breathed out deeply. He stood up, and took slow steps to where I stood, "Are you sure a lady is not involved? " he asked and I chuckled,

"A lady, come on Teddy! you know me better than that. I don't loose myself because of a woman, I make sure it's all fun and after that, we're done." I said like it's the most normal thing in the world, while deep down my heart was burning, "A woman can never be my weakness" I finished, and he had a small laugh.

"Alright I believe you, I mean I always do. We all know you and that all the girls always fall for you, and it's never the same on your part. You just use them and that's it" he said, his hands in his pocket. We were now standing toe to toe, nobody said anything for a while.

"Does that mean that you don't care about Binta at all?" he suddenly asked,

"We're just friends Teddy, and you know that. Besides I could never do that to her, she's a nice person."

"But it's quite obvious that she likes you, and you know that. So why are you not giving her a chance? Since she's a nice person as you said" he asked, I ran a hand through my hair.

"That's because I know you like her so much, and I can't betray you like that bro" I said but it doesn't look like he bought the lie. Not that I want to date her though, she is beautiful, but she's just not my spec.

"Alright then, so tell me who was that lady you met the other day at the restaurant? " he asked looking at me in the eye,

"What lady? "

"Don't act innocent in front of me Daniel. I clearly saw you, and I know you both know each other," he said getting all serious with me.

"She's a close friend Teddy" I said blankly, and he clapped.

"Wow, Daniel I didn't know you now have lots of famale friends. That's is so unlike you, " he said.

"What's with all these questions Teddy? What exactly are you getting at? " I asked, getting a little annoyed. He raised his hands up in surrender,

"Woah! Chill man, I'm just trying to know the whole situation before I push through with my plans" he said, leaving me confused.

"Plans? What plans?" I asked and he smiled.

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