Chapter Sixteen

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Here I am trying to make things work between us and she's just making my life unbearable, I still don't want to believe that she no longer cares about me. I decided to leave because if I had stayed there any longer I would have lose my cool, and it's what she wants, but little does she know that I won't let that happen. I can only pray that she doesn't provoke the people at home, they can be very mean, especially Becky.

I was currently on my way to Teddy's house, I just hope that he doesn't start nagging again. I've already received that, enough to last me for the rest of my life. The gates opened and I went inside the compound, after I parked the car, I went inside the house and saw Binta?

She came out from the kitchen with a bottle water, and she was wearing Teddy's cream T shirt, she smiled innocently at me, as if what she's doing is the most normal thing in the world. She was now standing in front of me,

"There is the runaway driver, where have you been? Wait! Let me guess, your mother needed you to come help her with her light bulb right? " she said and started laughing at her own joke,

"Good evening to you too Binta,"

"it's Ma'am, to you " she corrected, it made me wonder the lies that Teddy had fed her to make her feel special, I chuckled,

"Alright Ma'am," I said raising my hands up in surrender. "Please tell Teddy I'm here" I said and she rolled her eyes at me

"He's fast asleep " she said and I nodded,

"Alright " I said and turned to leave, but she held my hand

"What is your problem Daniel? You always act like everything is okay with you. You act like nothing affects you, this makes everyone look stupid in your presence why is that?" she asked, sounding frustrated, and I frowned, am I missing something here? She placed both her hands on my chest,

"You know that I care so much about you, and yet you treat me like trash. Just look at me Daniel, don't I look beautiful enough for you?" she asked, ok right now she's just trying to make me lose my job. I removed her hands and took a step back.

"I'm sorry, am I missing something here Ma'am?" I asked and she rolled her eyes at me, "You finally made your decision to give Teddy a chance, what is my fault in any of this.... "

"it's your fault Daniel! Can't you see that I'm only doing this for you to get jealous?" She said, wahala be like bicycle, me that have a lot on my plate already.  Can't this night just end smoothly for me? Who did I offend bayi? "But you're not, and it's killing me, what do I have to do to get your attention?" she said moving closer to me, again, I took a step back.

"Please Ma'am lets.. " I was saying but she cut me off

"oh please stop with that ma'am bullshit! " she yelled, I was taken aback by her outburst. She wrapped her arms around my neck "I love you Daniel, I really do, you have no idea"

"I'm sorry Ma'am but you are already taken, and I don't do leftovers" I simply told her and freed myself from her, with that I left the house leaving her shocked. I went to the boys quarters for a good rest. Man! today was tough!


                  * Mr Makun *

It was morning, Lillian and I sat at the dining table for breakfast, after sipping my cup of tea, I looked at her direction and she was just playing with her food. She wore a purple shirt and black pants, her black human hair fell on her shoulders. While I wore a black senator's wears, I cleared my throat making her come back to earth.

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