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"I have a plan," Harry says, bursting in through the bedroom door like he took lessons from Freddie.

"Go away, I'm sleeping," Zain says, pulling the blanket over his head.

"Nope," Harry says, letting himself fall into the bed and bouncing once before patting Zain's arse. "I have to leave for work in like ten minutes. Come on, get up. If you get drunk with Louis you have to deal with the consequences."

"Babe," Zain pouts, pulling down the blanket to give Harry his best puppy eyes. Freddie learned from the best after all.

He isn't even feeling that bad but it was kinda nice, having Harry tease him happily and full of energy again.

"Zain," Harry smiles, leaning forward to kiss Zain. "I have the perfect plan. You wanna know?"

"Does it involve me sleeping?" Zain asks, cupping the back of Harry's neck and pulling him down gently, kissing him.

"It does, actually," Harry grins against his lips. "Exciting, huh?"

"A bit," Zain agrees, poking at Harry's dimple. "What's the plan then, babes?"

"Well, we still haven't watched the stars with Freddie. And we're leaving Wednesday so time is running out," Harry says.

Zain cups his face between his hands to watch him, squishing his cheeks slightly.

"If you mention frogs once," Harry warns him, then grins widely. "It's nice enough at night I thought we could sleep in the garden tonight. Look at the stars, have a sleepover. Maybe another barbecue so we can eat all the leftovers. It will be fun."

"It will be," Zain agrees.

"And Freddie will love it," Harry beams.

"He will."

"So," Harry says, letting Zain kiss him for a moment before pulling away. "You and Louis need to figure out how. Because just sleeping on the floor will be too uncomfortable and probably cold. Maybe drive into town and find some like air mattresses? We don't need a tent but I don't know if it might be too windy?"

"We'll figure it out," Zain soothes, leaning up to kiss Harry's cheek. "It's a great idea, babes."

"All my ideas are great," Harry brags, kissing Zain again. "I gotta go, I let you sleep in a bit."

"Thanks, babe," Zain says, hiding his yawn against his arm. "Is the monster awake?"

"Of course," Harry grins. "He's downstairs. Louis is still MIA as well so you better get up."

"Mm," Zain agrees. "Thanks, babes."

"Your welcome, love," Harry says, kissing Zain's nose obnoxiously. "See you later. Don't miss me too much."

"I'll try," Zain says too earnestly, squeezing Harry's fingers a for a moment. "Bye. Don't let the pomegranate distract you."

"Idiot," Harry grins, kissing Zain quickly. "Love you, see you tonight."

"Love you, too," Zain calls after him, forlorn. He sighs, listening to the sounds of Harry leaving and then Freddie's steps on the stairs.

He smiles, waiting for Freddie to turn up in the door.

"Zain," Freddie says disapprovingly, frowning sternly and still wearing pyjamas. "I'm all alone downstairs."

"Are you?" Zain asks, patting the bed next to him. "Wanna join me?"

"I wanna play with my legos," Freddie says, hopping onto the bed despite his words.

"What are you playing?" Zain asks, tickling Freddie slightly.

Freddie giggles, squirming. "Police," Freddie answers. "I saw loads yesterday with Daddy."

"Did ya?" Zain asks, watching Freddie drive a car up his leg. "That's exciting."

"They were loud," Freddie says, laying down next to Zain. "When are you getting up?"

"In a moment, monster," Zain says, hugging him and kissing his head. "Wanna go wake your dad?"

"Yea," Freddie perks up, freeing himself immediately.

"Give him a kiss," Zain yawns, only feeling slightly cruel as Freddie dashes from the room, eager to jump onto Louis and chat his ear off probably.


"It's the moon!" Freddie says sleepily, again, pointing towards the sky.

"Yea," Louis yawns back at him. "Still."

Harry huffs a laugh into Zain's neck, idly curling his fingers against Zain's stomach, snuffling closer. He was almost as drowsy as Freddie, barely moving.

"Where's the Big Dipper again, monster?" Zain asks, stroking Harry's ear with his thumb.

He watches Freddie's arms flail fondly as he gestures around, pointing and babbling half-asleep but still too excited to give up. Harry's breathing evens out against his neck, deepening.

"Next time, I need to take an astronomy class before," Louis yawns when Freddie finally gives in to sleep, falling asleep with his fingers curled into Zain's shirt. "Where do all the questions come from?"

"Yea," Zain agrees, stroking Freddie's hair. "Nosy."

"I kinda already feel sorry for his teachers," Louis says. "Can't believe he's going to school in a few months. Mum keeps telling me how often I destroyed my uniform the first year. He's gonna be worse."

"Nah," Zain grins at Louis through the dim light from where they've left their kitchen light on. "He's an angel compared to you."

Louis grunts in reluctant agreement, yawning again. "I don't know if I can fall asleep here, it's super weird to be out in the open."

"Yea," Zain agrees even though he can already feel sleep making him slow and heavy. "s nice, though. I like the sea. Not as much as monster but..."

"Yea, 's nice," Louis nods. "But sandy. Could do without. Go to sleep, idiot, I can hear you're about to."

"But I don't want you to feel scared, babes," Zain teases, yawning.

"I think you're confusing me," Louis says, reaching across Freddie to poke him. "Fuck off."

"If you fuck off inside, put monster between us, yea?"

"I'll wake you," Louis says. "Don't think yours will leave any space for that. Worse than Freddie."

"He doesn't kick," Zain yawns, not bothering to open his eyes anymore. "See ya."

Louis snorts. "See you," he echoes.


Yea idk

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