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"I've had to pee three times already today and I woke up an hour ago!" Harry complains when Zain picks up.

"Good morning to you, too," Zain yawns, scratching his cheek. Harry looks soft and sleepy, still in bed for once. "Why are you still in bed if you've been up for an hour."

"Just. Dunno. Tired. Annoyed at my bladder. Missing you. Missing the monster," Harry says.

Zain wants to reach out and push the hair from his forehead. Wants to kiss his soft cheeks and his lips, plush and pink. He squeezes himself once and then grabs the pillow instead. Harry was in a crabby mood which meant Zain wouldn't be getting any.

"Miss you, too," he says. "Did you have a good time yesterday?"

"I guess," Harry shrugs. "Perrie and Gemma are really annoying together. They're teasing me about being mopey and making eyes at each other all the time. And mum is so suspicious, she eyed me all evening yesterday and then I wouldn't drink and I think she knows. I tried telling them I'm doing a cleanse-"

"Cleanse?" Zain snorts.

"Don't laugh," Harry chides. "I used to do them back when I was in the band but mum knows I haven't in a while and she's very suspicious."

"We said you could tell her," Zain shrugs.

"Yea. If I tell her maybe she'll come down to watch Freddie," Harry says slowly, like an idea is forming.

"Yea, maybe," Zain agrees. He feels a bit selfish, though, not wanting to share that with Harry's mum just yet. She'd be all over Harry and he's not sure it's worth it just to have Freddie distracted for an hour.

"We'll see," Harry sighs. "I should get up actually. They're all moving around already."

"Yea, Freddie's up as well. You wanna talk to him now?"

"Yes, please," Harry says, sitting up and scrubbing a hand through his hair.

Zain lingers for a moment before forcing himself up, pulling the door open and listening for Freddie.

He's giggling in Louis's room, so Zain knocks, pushing it open. Louis still looks mostly asleep, rising his thumb at Zain before Zain can say anything.

Zain grins, watching Freddie walk dinosaurs over Louis's face for a moment before deciding to save him.

"Monster, Harry's on the phone," he says.

Freddie abandons the dinosaurs where they are, one of them falling against Louis's mouth, making him splutter. Freddie grabs the phone and lets himself fall to the floor, laying down and starting to talk at Harry right away.

Zain settles on the foot of Louis bed and pokes him.

Louis kicks in response, brushing the dinosaurs away before sitting up and yawning. "Why is football so early," he groans in annoyance.

Zain shrugs. "You really wanna take him to the zoo later?" he asks.

"Rethinking, seemed like a good idea yesterday. One of my co-workers mentioned it and we haven't been in ages," Louis shrugs. "You coming with? We can see how many people call you my wife again. Haven't played that in ages."

"Yea whatever," Zain shrugs, catching his phone when Freddie dumps it into his lap.

"Done," Freddie says. "Mummy has to eat breakfast, Gemma said. Are we eating breakfast?"

"If you wanna," Zain says and Louis shrugs in agreement.

"You're so slow," Freddie complains. If he were older Zain's sure he'd have added "this is why I get up with mummy".  "Come," he says instead, grabbing both Zain and Louis's hands and pulling.

"Coming," Louis says, grabbing Freddie around the middle and carrying him away. Zain's tempted to let himself fall into bed again instead. But he's a somewhat responsible adult.

He gets up instead.


the wife💛
Perrie and Gemma are annoying!!!

my love
babe they just like riling u up

the wife💛
I am not Freddie
You don't need to tell me how to behave
Also I'm constantly hungry and have pee every two seconds
No one told me it would start this early
And you're not even here to distract me

my love
sorry babe

ur kid is annoying

the wife💛
Excuse me???
Don't call him annoying
And why is he my kid all of a sudden

my love
s the rules
whoever is away gets blamed for the annoying bits
also we're pretty sure he picked up some of it from you ...

the wife💛
Leave my poor baby alone
He's perfect
What did he pick up from me?

my love
oh idk
"doing yoga"
he's told like 3 really bad jokes already and i've heard all of them from u before
he tosses his hair like u do but that's adorable actually
also he sings constantly now
even worse than before

the wife💛
I love him so much <3
And he gets the singing from you. You're constantly humming at home, you don't even notice it

my love
<3 🙄
u so pretentious
u have emojis on ur phone i have seen them

the wife💛
But he's adorable
Excuse me if I want to type emojis instead of use the generic ones I can

my love
sure babe

the wife💛
Gotta put my phone away :(

my love
that's how u use emojis

the wife💛
who's pretentious now

I love you

my love
sleep well 💛


Work is shit validate me again 😭

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