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"So horny," Harry whines, pressing closer to Zain.

"You or me?" Zain grins, trying to get into Harry's jeans while Harry was both trying to get closer and trying to fend him off.

"Both," Harry gasps, "fuck, I'm gonna come in my pants, stop."

"Babes," Zain whines, biting the skin of Harry's collarbone lightly. "Don't start things if you don't intend to finish. That's so cruel."

"Mummy," Freddie calls from upstairs, effectively killing all hope of getting into Harry's pants.

"Freddie's cruel," Harry sighs, pressing a kiss to Zain's lips. "When do you think he'll be ready to sleep on his own bed again?"

"Dunno. Not tonight, definitely. So you are super cruel," Zain grins, patting Harry's arse and giving it a firm squeeze. Harry rolls his eyes and leaves him after another kiss, lingering like he is reticent again. It's nice to see him more energetic again, wanting to do anything at all and not just wallow.

Zain turns back to cleaning up Harry's breakfast mess and preparing Freddie some breakfast as well, listening to their voices upstairs and then Harry's feet thundering down the stairs.

"I'm late, love you!" Harry calls, rushing past the room, like the car hasn't been idling outside for at while now.

"Bye, my love. Have fun at work!" Zain calls after him, teasing, feeling like a housewife.

"Piss off," Harry says, having caught the tone correctly, and bangs the door shut.

Zain grins, glad Harry got exactly what he was saving, humming to himself as he waits for Freddie to trudge down the stairs.

"Hi," Freddie says dejectedly, coming into the kitchen with a miserable expression on his face, Harry's hoodie almost down to his ankles.

"Hi, baby. Are you wearing your mummy's clothes?" Zain asks, amused, picking up Freddie when he reaches up, his hands hidden behind the oversized sleeves.

"He said I could," Freddie says pitifully. "So it's like a hug when he is at work."

"Mhm," Zain agrees, folding the sleeve back one more time and holding him tightly for a moment.

He presses his lips to Freddie's forehead, glad when it's almost back to a normal temperature. "You feeling better today, baby?"

"No," Freddie lies, reaching past Zain for the bowl with fruit salad Harry's left behind.

"No?" Zain asks, kissing his cheek as Freddie munches on half an apricot, sleepy-eyed but much more energetic than yesterday. "What are we gonna do today, then?"

"You can read to me," Freddie says magnanimously, blinking up at Zain slowly.

"All day?" Zain asks, stroking his cheek.

"Yea. We can do it in the sun!" Freddie says, peeking up before he remembers that he is pretending to still be miserable and slumps against Zain again.

"Sounds like a plan, my love," Zain agrees with another kiss to Freddie's sweet chubby cheek, picking up the bowl. "Wanna eat the rest of mummy's breakfast?"

"Yea," Freddie agrees, taking the bowl from Zain. "Mummy's breakfast is yummy."

"Hm," Zain agrees, because fruit was alright with Freddie but usually he was only enthusiastic about a whole bowl of strawberries."What do you wanna drink today? Water or more tea?"

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