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the wife💛

Good morning, my love.

Hey, babe.
You're in a good mood.

Freddie's coming later!

What? Since when?

Louis just called it's because apparently everyone at his mum's is going a bit crazy and he thought about staying in London until you could leave as well but he says he wants to see the sun as much as he can during his holiday so he's coming straight to France!

You're so excited, babe.

Yea, my baby is coming to visit me!
It would be nicer with you but you have your meetings.
Louis's gonna call you in a bit I think, but I have to leave soon so I got you first.

I'm glad.

Yea. Can't wait to see you again.

Same, babe. Miss you.

Miss you, too.
And a bit of sun would do you good as well you're so down.

's just cause I miss you, babe.

It's gonna be busy when you get here though, Gemma and Perrie went to Orleans for a couple of days but they'll be back the day after tomorrow.
Full house.

It's a big house.

You'd think, somehow with Perrie and Gemma it's already way too many people.

It's just cause Gem's always poking her nose into everything. And bossing you around.
It's a family trait.

I dare you to say that to mum's face.

What do I get if I do?

Don't smirk. I'd come up with something.
Like. Oh!
Separate bedrooms.

Ouch. That's harsh.

Is it?

I was joking, babes, don't glare at me.
You're not bossy nor is Gemma.

You're very easy, love.

It's cause you're easy, babe.

And right back to the next insult, nice. It's why I love you. Your mean streak.

It's my best quality.
Is that the door?

Yea, I have to go.
I love you, best quality or not.

Give Freddie a kiss form me when he gets there.

Missing him, are you?

's weird not having him running around.
No one has walked their dinosaurs across my painting and ruined it.

He did what?

Oh didn't I tell you?
Last week, he was playing while I was painting and you know he's usually good about not touching the paintings.

Oh no.

It's not that bad. It looks kinda funny actually with the paw prints. I might give it to Louis or something. Let Freddie draw on it some more, maybe.

Can I have it?

I — sure?
I'll send you a picture later if I remember then you can decide.

I don't need — one second! — I don't need to decide, I want it.

Babe, it could be red, and then what?

Is it?

No, but—

Then I want it.
I gotta go, love you.

Yea, I — love you too.




just a short one 😬

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