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"Zain!" Freddie calls from upstairs. "Is that mummy?"

"No, it's your dad!" Zain calls back, rolling his eyes at Louis.

"Oh," Freddie answers, the door to his room banging shut again.

"I'm making him pack," Zain explains. "He is not amused that I said he doesn't need all his pirates because apparently mummy told him he could take them all," he pitches his voice slightly higher for the last part. "So now we're waiting for Harry."

"Alright," Louis says amused, so I shouldn't take it personally that I don't get a hello?"

"Nah," Zain shrugs. "Now I just gotta stay here and catch Harry as soon as he comes in because there is no way I'm letting him give in to Freddie."

"Is he packed at all then?"

"He's done," Zain answers with a shrug, following Louis into the kitchen. "But he's got a pile of stuff he's gonna add if mummy allows it."

"Which he is not gonna," Louis adds sagely, tapping his temple. "You really think he's give in unless you keep him?"

"Dunno," Zain shrugs, leaning against the counter. "Sometimes he's really good at setting boundaries and other times the monster will pout and he'll give right in."

Louis pats Zain on the shoulder. "I'm gonna see what he's up to then," he says. "Abs I'll try and get him down for a snack."

"Good luck," Zain says with a grin. "He's very cross with me."

Harry's car door closes outside and the the key turns in the lock. Zain pushes past Louis quickly, just as a door upstairs flies open.

"Mummy!" Freddie calls.

"Shit," Zain says, listening to him rush closer. He feels ridiculous, rushing to get to Harry before Freddie.

"Hey," Harry says, looking up from toeing off his boots. "What's up with him?"

"He's annoyed with me," Zain explains quickly and quietly, feeling like an idiot. "Babe, do not give in to him, he's already packed enough toys."

"What?" Harry asks, catching Freddie when he barrels into him. "Hi, baby," he adds softly, kissing him hello.

"Zain won't let me take my pirates!" Freddie wails, pouting at Harry. "I need them."

"That doesn't sound like Zain," Harry says, setting Freddie on his hip. "He always lets you take your toys."

Zain meets his gaze, rolling his eyes.

"What a liar," Louis whispers into Zain's ear, making him grin. "He doesn't get that from me."

"Course not," Zain snorts, as Freddie blubbers about him being mean and unfair.

"We should listen to Zain, baby," Harry says, kissing Freddie's cheek. "If he thinks you have enough toys, I think you do."

Freddie falls silent at that, staring at Harry for a moment before struggling to be let down. "I need my pirates!" he says, stomping his food.

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