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"Mornin'," Zain mumbles into Harry's skin when he finally wakes up.

"Good morning," Harry answers, stroking Zain's hair from his forehead. "Sleep well, did you?"

"Course," Zain mutters, burrowing deeper under the covers. "Why do you have tea?"

"Because I went and got it," Harry grins, scratching the short hair at the back of Zain's head. "I also got myself some fruit and a book. Proper Sunday morning."

"Yea" Zain yawns. "Nice."

"Wanna tell me about the gallery?" Harry asks, watching him scrunch up his eyes again, stretching slightly.

"Not that much to tell," Zain shrugs, leaning across Harry to steal his tea. He sputters. "I forgot you drink that herbal stuff now," he complains, pulling a grimace. "Nasty."

"Not really," Harry grins, taking the mug from him. He takes a large sip, making a happy sound at the end just to annoy Zain a bit.

Zain grunts and presses his face against Harry's belly. "You're too awake."

"Why do you not wanna talk about it? Was it that bad?" Harry asks instead of raising to the bait.

"No, it was fine. Nice. Weird but nice," Zain shrugs, turning his head to look at Harry, still blinking sleepily.

"Weird how?"

"They were just so gushy, I don't know. And rich people are weird. No offence. I mean," he adds, smirking slightly. "You're weird, too, so I guess that shouldn't've come as a surprise."

"Thanks, love," Harry says drily.

Zain grins at him, nose scrunched up and way too cute for the arsehole he was.

"But anyways, there were a lot of self-congratulatory speeches by the people with money, some gushing, some weird statements on politics I think and loads of alcohol. It was good. Food was nice, too. Now we wait for the opening and see if everyone is still happy then."

"I'm sure they will be," Harry says, stroking Zain's cheek. "You still don't sound too enthusiastic."

"'s nerve-wrecking, isn't it?" Zain shrugs. "Everyone judging you. And it's not really got much to do with making art at this point, does it? It's just playing nice with random people."

"And you don't like people, that's true. Well. Just the opening and then you can be a misanthrope again. Just Freddie and me and a few select people."

"Sounds good," Zain says, closing his eyes again. "What's the app say today? I'm thinking grapefruit."

Harry unlocks his phone, pulling up the baby app. "Pomegranate," he says, taking another sip of his tea. "I guess if it's one of the big ones, it could be a grapefruit."

"Hi pomegranate," Zain says, patting Harry's belly. "What are you causing this week?"

"Stretch marks," Harry says, skimming the article. "And - you're gonna like this - increased bodily fluids."

Zain squints up at him. "Increased? You're already super sweaty."

"Thank you, my love," Harry says, rolling his eyes. "Your support is appreciated."

Zain shrugs. "Just saying. No judgement."

"I'm gonna go take a shower now anyways. Wanna come with?" Harry says, emptying his mug. "Getting hungry."

"Always," Zain yawns, rolling onto his back. "Could also do with food. You should make cinnamon rolls again, we haven't had them in ages."

"When we're back home," Harry says, opening the window and looking out towards the sea for a moment. He can't say he only has good memories of this place, too many nights lonely, but it was defining nice to wake up here.

Maybe they could return for a holiday once everything was taken care off.

"Babe," Zain says from the bathroom.

"Coming," Harry answers.


kinda lost track of my in-story days, we shall follow my spreadsheet and hope it's still accurate.

also you said short is ok so... short?

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