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the wife💛

Hey, what's wrong?

Nothing, I'm having breakfast alone because the two are nauseating and I thought we could have breakfast together.

That'd be nice.
Is it ok if I watch you eat? Don't wanna get up yet.

Don't you have to get up, hm?

No, not yet.
I have a bit.

Alright. I don't, we have to do more sightseeing.
But look at how pretty breakfast looks.

It's the pasties, they always make everything look fancy.

If you says so, darling.
How was your meeting yesterday?

I already told you, babe.

You said and I quote: it was good babe, can you take your clothes off now?
That's not very descriptive.

It was good. It's early, babe, don't make me talk.

If you talk while I eat I might have time to undress again.



Alright. Just. Dunno what to say.
It was good, nothing unexpected. They wanted to have some changes but nothing drastic or obnoxious, I guess. The one you didn't like and said should hand in the corner got moved closer to the entrance. That was about it.

The blue one?

Oh, Freddie was brutal yesterday, did Louis tell you?

No, what did he do?

He was very adamant that you have the worst fast in colours. Mummy always picks the ugly ones, he said. He's so mean.

I haven't even mentioned yellow to him in ages, I don't know what he has against it.

Who knows.
Yea, anyways, we're rearranging everything today. And they want a few more pieces like Margaret said, so I'll be doing a lot of paining the next few days.

So you won't be down for a while?

Don't pout at me, babes.

Let me pout.

Alright. Miss you.

Miss you, too.
But what about it then.

I'll have to see what I have to do.
Yea, so you know how I let Gemma post that painting I did for your mum? And she put her post in a story on my Instagram—

You always sound like an old man when you talk about Instagram.

I don't.
Anyway. Priya saw it and told Margaret and now Margaret is on my case about adding portraits, at least small ones and I don't know how to talk her out of it. We still have like a month so she said sketches would work as well but she thinks it'll idk enhance my profile or portfolio or both I don't know.

Why don't you want to?

You know I think it's too personal.

Yea but you could do random sketches for the next couple of weeks, pick some of those. You could come here and do beach visitors all day long.

I don't know. Feels weird. I've only ever, like. Sketches or drawn friends or family. I did a lot of Freddie just to keep up with it while he was sleeping or playing or something. I definitely won't show those.

I always like looking at sketches in museums. Like the tiny ones next to the huge paintings. It's a nice contrast.
But if you're not comfortable, just tell Margaret that you only paint your nude partners and that you can't show them.

Yea, I might. Tell her I'm not comfortable. Not that I sketch your nudes.

You definitely did my arse, I've seen it.

It's a nice arse. Could do with a reminder actually.

I'm still eating breakfast. And I need it if I'm going to survive today.
Gemma wants to do Louvre and the Musée d'Orsay. I tried telling her she could come back or stay or whatever but she says she wants Perrie to get the full experience.

From what I understand being a tourist is all about doing too much in too little time and being exhausted afterwards.

You want the tourist experience as well then?

Nah, I want the naked boyfriend experience, I think.

For that you'll need just need to come across the channel.

Yea. Soon. At the latest with Louis, I promise.
But I'll stay down a while, won't I, with Louis and all. And then I'll have Freddie by myself again while Louis is in the US.

You could stay here then.

I'll have to see how I get in with things, babe.
Time flies.
Oh the gyno called about your next ultrasound date because they couldn't reach you.

Yea, they left a message. I think I could combine it with Eid. It would fit with the pregnancy weeks, I checked.


Yes. Wait, that's the door. I think Gemma and Perrie are done.
Sorry love, no naked time.

Very sad.
Have a good day, yea. And tell them to fuck off if it's too much.

Of course.

Yea, somehow I don't believe you.

No, I promise. I will.

Love you, babes.

Love you, too.

Uhhhhh, love you tooooo.

Hi Gems.
Don't drag Haz along all day. He has to go back to work tomorrow.

We'll look after him, don't worry.

Bye, Zain.

Bye, babe.



bye is my new favourite word or something

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