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"Why is Gemma telling me to tell you to agree to her?" Harry asks, scrolling through his phone with one hand, the other not having moved from Zain's thigh ever since they set off.

"Because she thinks she is my PR manager," Zain answers, changing radio channels when they started chatting nonsense on the station.

"What is she trying to get you to do?" Harry yawns, dropping his phone into his bag and turning his head towards Zain.

"She says I should promote the opening with a more personal touch than just reposing the gallery's posts," Zain shrugs, irrationally annoyed at the whole topic.

"Hm," Harry makes.

"That means you agree with her," Zain says, throwing a quick glance at him. "I don't have that many followers, babe, I just don't see the point.

"You have plenty," Harry says, brushing his fingers over Zain's cheek. "And instagram is all about the personal touch. But if you don't want to, tell Gemma to piss off."

"I mean," Zain shrugs, awkward. "It feels desperate somehow so I don't really feel comfortable but I do want the show to be at least somewhat successful and Gemma — and you, I guess — know how to do that kinda shit. Dunno."

"I'm sure you'll figure it out," Harry says neutrally, making Zain rolls his eyes.

"Stop being diplomatic," he says, squeezing Harry's hand.

Harry shrugs. "Self promotion is self promotion," he says. "Nothing inherently bad about it. Call Gemma to brainstorm and I'm sure you'll figure out a way. Maybe post that picture Freddie ruined as cute behind the scene and by the way. A picture which was promised to me but which you still haven't given me," he adds, kissing Zain's cheek.

"It's upstairs in the office," Zain shrugs, amused to feel Harry huff. "Not sure where you wanna put it, though."

"I'll figure something out," he's quiet for a moment, his cheek on Zain's shoulder, fiddling with the random assortment of gum, tissues, charger cables and stray toys in the middle console.

"I like spending time with just you," he says wistfully.

"We haven't in a while, huh," Zain agrees, catching Harry's hand for a moment. "We'll have time after the opening and when you stop filming, I'm sure Louis can be convinced to take the monster for a while when everything has settled down."

"Yea," Harry sitting up with a groan. "Stupid back," he complains. "Wanna stop for a bit? I need to stretch properly."

"Can do," Zain says, listening to Harry hum and grunt until they can turn off to a rest area.

Harry is out of the car quickly enough that Zain eyes him. "You're not nauseous, are you?"

"Hm?" Harry makes, looking up at Zain from where he has bent over, letting his arms hang low. "Oh no, just couldn't sit down anymore."

"Okay," Zain says, running a hand under Harry's sweater and stroking his back. He wraps his arms around Harry's waist, laying his cheek against his shoulder when Harry straightens and stretches his arms above his head.

"You tired, love?" Harry asks, grunting slightly as he stretches himself tall, his back popping slightly.

"Yea," Zain admits, yawning, exhaustion weighing him down. It's not sudden but the realisation hits him, the weeks of travelling to France and back while preparing the exhibition and also worrying about Harry and simply missing him — or Freddie or both — settling into his bones like lead.

"Yea," he repeats again. He should feel more relaxed after just having been to the beach in France, things he's never even considered a year ago, but instead he can only think about taking Harry and hiding away somewhere with nothing to think about.

"Do you want me to drive?" Harry asks, turning around and wrapping his arms around Zain.

Zain presses his nose to Harry's neck and shakes his head. "Nah, babe," he says. The only thing making it worse would be sitting next to Harry and worrying he was having to drive with everything going on. For all that Zain was exhausted, Harry would have to be even worse.

"Wanna cuddle a bit or keep driving?" Harry asks, sounding amused when Zain doesn't make a move to let go.

"Both," Zain says into Harry's skin, petulant with exhaustion. "Imma grab a coffee, actually. You want anything?"

"If they have tea," Harry yawns against Zain's cheek. "But only peppermint or camomile. Should have brought more snacks from your mum's."

"We have tons of snacks," Zain shrugs, cupping Harry's face for a moment to kiss him. "But I need caffein."

Harry kisses him again, quick, before going back to his gymnastics. "I'm gonna wait here."

"Course, babes," Zain says, grabbing his wallet from Harry's not-a-purse and making his way towards the cold light of the petrol station.

He asks for a coffee and peppermint tea, watching Harry's shape do his gymnastics by their car. It had been nice, seeing his family. It would be nice, seeing Freddie again, and they had the ultrasound tomorrow, but he wishes he could just keep driving, like in one of those American novels, and just spend time with Harry for a while.

"Cheers," he says, taking the hot cups and leaving the petrol station behind. Perhaps it was that eery out of time feeling inherent to these by the road shops that made him maudlin.

"I think I'm gonna grab something sweet from the boot," Harry says once Zain is close enough. "Do you want anything?"

"Sure, maybe some cake," Zain says, the coffee bitter and slightly burnt. Sweet cake would mask the taste somewhat.

"We can call Gemma while we drive," Harry adds, opening boxes to pick which exact left over food to take to the front. Zain sips his coffee and watches him. "You are bored driving and you're bored with PR, combine it and get it out of the way."

"Very efficient," Zain nods, handing Harry his tea and making his way around the car.

Harry shrugs, settling in and taking a sip of his tea. "Peppermint," he hums like Zain hadn't ordered it. "Gemma just texted like she does when she's bored, you know, so she'll have time," he says, taking Zain's coffee from him while Zain accelerates to rejoin the traffic.

"You just don't wanna text, huh," Zain grins, taking his coffee back once they're in the flow. "But go ahead."

"You know me too well," Harry smiles, happy, leaning across to kiss Zain's cheek before hooking his phone to the car console.


zain is me i am zain 😴😴

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