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"Hi," Freddie says when Zain opens his eyes, lying next to him and chewing something.

"Hi," Zain answers, rubbing a hand through Freddie's hair. "What are you doing?"

"Mummy's in the bathroom," Freddie says, like that explains anything.

"And you're having breakfast in bed?"

"It's just a snack," Freddie shrugs, turning to the other side to grab a bowl of fruit, pooping a piece of apricot into his mouth. "You want some?"

"Not right now, thanks," Zain grins, tickling Freddie's belly. "Why are you having snacks and not breakfast?"

Freddie shrugs, putting his bowl onto his belly and scooting closer, burying into Zain's side.

"Mummy said you'd have to make breakfast because everything smells funny. And I picked snacks not waking you because I'm nice."

"Hm," Zain makes, kissing his head. "It because you want strawberries anyways, my monster."

Freddie shrugs, throwing his legs over Zain's and plopping a piece of kiwi into his mouth. "Is mummy ill again?"


"Yea," Freddie says. "Like when he was ill with the coughing."

"Right," Zain says slowly, stroking his fingers through Freddie's hair. "He's not ill, not really. He's just not feeling well."

"What's the difference?" Freddie asks, unconcerned enough to keep snacking his fruit.

"Not feeling well is just— when you're really tired or have been working too much and you don't feel so well. A headache or something."

"I don't have that," Freddie says. "I always feel well."

"That's cause you're young and you can take naps whenever you want," Zain grins, amused.

"I guess," Freddie shrugs. "Mummy can take naps as well. He always asks me to nap with him."

"Yea, but he's working now," Zain answers, turning his head when Harry comes out of the bathroom, looking pale and a bit sweaty.

Zain reaches for him. Harry doesn't even blink, dropping himself onto the bed next to Zain and pressing his face into Zain's shoulder.

"Puking's started," he says, groaning.

Zain kisses the side of his face in sympathy.

"Do you want a banana?" Freddie offers, crawling on top of Zain to offer a piece to Harry.

Zain pushes his hand away just as Harry starts gagging, turning his face away quickly.

"Better not, monster," Zain says, eating the piece himself and tickling Freddie's side. "Why don't you see if your dad's up?"

"But-," Freddie starts, frowning.

"Go wake your dad, please," Zain repeats.

"I'm fine, baby," Harry says, lifting his head out of Zain's shoulder to kiss Freddie's cheek. "We'll have breakfast in a moment."

"Okay," Freddie says, appeased, clutching his bowl as he crawls over both of them to get off the bed.

"So," Zain says slowly, waiting for the door to bang shut behind Freddie. "The puking's started."

"Yea," Harry sighs. "It was just food smells though. So maybe it'll be fine."

"Mm," Zain agrees sceptically, scratching Harry's head. "Can you take breaks if you need?"

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