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the wife💛

Good morning, baby.

Mummy, you have to tell Daddy and Zain that I have to take all my dinosaurs! It's important!

Is it? Why?


That's not an answer.

Mummy! I need them to play!

But your grandma has loads of toys, I'm sure.

But not my dinosaurs!

But it'll be exciting playing with different toys for a while.

Mummy. I know toys grandma has and they are not my favourites. I want to play with my dinosaurs.

Alright, just. You're gonna lose them, remember when you took them all to the park?

That wasn't my fault! There was a puppy! I just forgot a bit.

Yea, and at grandma's you won't be distracted at all, right?
Don't pout at me.

You can talk to Zain now.

Alright, baby. Love you.

Love you, too. Even if you're always agreeing with Zain.

Thanks, I guess?

Monster, what did we say about knocking?

I remember, Zain!
You can talk to mummy now, he's mean.

Alright, bye monster.
He's just walked out again.
What's that about?

We're not letting him take all his dinosaurs.

Oh, that.

Yea, that.
Anyways, are you all set to go?

I am. I don't need to choose between a million dinosaurs my mummy got me.

Excuse me, Zain?

You know exactly what I am saying.

No, but you gotta choose between underwear your mum got you so I don't know what is worse.

Be careful or I'll take your underwear, babe.
But you're pretty calm despite Freddie snubbing you.

Yea, but he's just being stubborn.

He gets that from you.

He does not.
That rule about blaming whoever isn't there is stupid.


He rolls his eyes like you, so I don't think the blaming the one who's away works.
Do you know when you're gonna leave, yet?

Louis's been at work since seven, so I guess two should work?

Ok, can you text me when you leave?

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