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Zain! Tell them I don't have to!

Well, hello to you too, my monster.
You don't have to what?

Shower! I was in the ocean, I am clean!

Are you?

Yea. But mummy's being annoying and saying I'm sandy and getting sand everywhere and I'm not and daddy's saying I am sticky with salt and I am not! That's silly, salt isn't sticky salt is like sand.

Why don't you wanna shower, monster?

Because I don't!

That's a good reason, I guess.
What about a bath?
You can play pirates. You like that.

Daddy doesn't do the voices right and mummy doesn't know anything about pirates. He always gets it wrong.

Does he?
That's disappointing.

When are you coming?

Friday evening, love.
Just tomorrow and then I'll be there as well.


Yea, baby.
You gonna sleep with mummy tonight?
Keep my side of the bed warm?

Yes? Can I?

I guess.
Does Woof get to come along?

Yes, he sleeps with me, you know that.

Alright then. I guess the two of you would do fine with keeping mummy company.
But you know what you have to do first?


Make sure you smell nice and fresh.

You're just making me shower like mummy and daddy.

Maybe I am. Is it working, my love?


Oh well. Guess the bed and mummy will be lonely.


Monster, are you hiding under the bed? Did you take my phone?

I'm talking to Zain, go away.

Hi Lou.
Did you know you can't do the pirate voice right?

What? Who said that?
My pirate voice is perfect!

No it's not, daddy, I told you loads and loads!

I bet it's because he doesn't have enough practise, monster.
You know what you should do?


Show him how to play pirates the right way.


What are you sighing at, monster?

You're just trying to get me to take a bath.

I sure am. And I think it's working, hm, monster?
Pirates and sleeping in mummy's bed. That's a nice deal, don't you think?


Louis, I'm gonna be down Friday evening, can you come pick me up?

Sure. You have another meeting on Friday? What are you having meetings for every day.

Your area.

No work talk while I'm on holiday!

Wow ok.
Yea but that and also just making sure our "vision is aligned".

Who are you quoting?

So pretentious sometimes.

Well, you're an artiste now.

Is that your French accent?

Might be.

Daddy! Can I have the blue water?

Sure, love!

Well done, he's already in the bath. Must be a new record.
You gonna tell Harry he's having a sleepover?

As if he'd mind.
But yea, I'm gonna call while Freddie's distracted.

He misses you, he's really not used to being away from you.

Yea, me neither.
Good luck with the pirates!

Harr harr

Freddie's right, huh.

Oh piss off!

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