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Harry blinks his eyes open slowly when Zain opens the door, brightening slightly when he sees Zain like he always does.

"Hey," Zain says, sitting down on the bed and stroking the hair off Harry's clammy forehead. "Feeling better?"

"Dunno," Harry says, looking miserable and still pasty white. "Is your mum very mad?" he asks, reaching for Zain's hand.

"Of course not," Zain says soothingly, leaning down to kiss Harry's cheek. "Why would you even think that?" He rubs his thumb over Harry's cheek, wishing he could make him less miserable somehow.

"Dunno," Harry says pitifully. "It's so dumb, I was fine for a whole week, why do I have to throw up again today of all days? Your family is gonna think I'm one of those arseholes who like won't say they don't wanna go visit family but make up something so they get out of it anyways."

"No one is thinking that," Zain says, rubbing his thumb over Harry's cheek. "I don't even know where you get these ideas, babes," he adds, poking his cheek.

"Dunno," Harry groans, hiding his face in the pillow. "I'm always throwing up. This is so annoying."

"Hm," Zain agrees vaguely, because any moment now Harry will start grinning about having a baby again. He rubs a soothing hand over Harry's back. "Mum is wondering if you want some tea or maybe something sweet? She says that's always helped her when she was nauseous."

"What kind of sweet?" Harry asks, immediately, a good sign, frowning like Zain had asked him the question of the universe.

"There is plenty, you can choose," Zain says, amused and so very fond of him. He leans down to kiss his nose, just because he can.

"What's it called what I had yesterday?" Harry asks, blinking up at Zain and touching Zain's cheek.

"You had everything yesterday," Zain grins, teasing gently. Yesterday, when they had arrived, Harry had been happy and chatty and energetic and ravenous. Mum had been delighted.

Harry rolls his eyes. "Sevia, yea?" he says, pulling on Zain's sweater. "Be nice to me, your child is torturing me." He grins, bright and happy, and pushes himself up slightly only to pale again, grabbing at Zain.

"Seems like it," Zain says, kissing Harry's cheek. He would be more worried if mum were more worried than sympathetic. And even Harry did not seem particularly upset, just annoyed. "Ginger tea as well?" he asks, brushing the hair off Harry's forehead.

"Yea," Harry nods, pressing his nose into Zain's neck. "With honey. I think your mum was right, I want sweet."

"You're sweet," Zain says a bit senselessly, kissing Harry again.

Harry rolls his eyes at him, grinning back weakly. "I'll should try and come downstairs," he says.

"I don't think so," Zain asks sceptically, eyeing him. "Sitting up was bad enough. Also my cousins turned up and they have bathed in aftershave, you won't be able to stand it."

Harry pulls a grimace. "Okay," he says hesitantly. "Maybe not. But your mum is gonna think I'm a drama queen."

Zain shrugs and bites back the urge to say: "you are". He wasn't right now. Or not about the thing he was worried about.

"Mum's been pregnant four times, I don't think she's gonna accuse you of that," he says instead, poking Harry's cheek, and gets up. "I'll get you your sweets."

"I'm missing everything," Harry whines when Zain opens the door again, music and chatter spilling inside. He sighs.

"Maybe you'll feel better after eating," Zain says, shooting him a last reassuring smile, and doesn't fully close the door behind him.

Mum smiles at him when he comes back into the kitchen. "How is he?"

"Same, I'd say," Zain shrugs. "He wants sweet things, though, good suggestion."

"Hm," Mum says. "Dunno why but it always helped with Safaa," she says, putting on the kettle. "I hope he's not too sad he's stuck upstairs."

"He's more worried you'll think he's a drama queen," Zain shrugs, cutting up ginger quickly.

"We all saw him turn pasty white just before he ran off," Mum says, shaking her head. "Really glad I've reached grandma stage now and I don't have to deal with that anymore."

She winks at him, mischievous and high on having all her family around her.

Zain rolls his eyes at her and adds two spoonful of honey to the tea, pressing his shoulder to hears.

"I'll stay upstairs a bit," he says, adding some proper tea and a snack for himself to the tray.

"Of course, sunshine," she says as the kettle turns off. "Come down when he feels better. You know everyone will be around for hours, still."

"Yea," Zain nods, hugging her for a moment. "Love you."

"It's all good, love," she says, like she can read his mind. "Now go upstairs and keep Harry company."

"Yea," Zain says and goes.


too many people so i chickened out and made Harry ill 🙃🙃 Perfect excuse, thank god he's pregnant, genius move on my part really (don't come for me!)

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