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"When are we there?" Freddie asks, again.

Louis takes a deep breath.

"Half an hour," Zain says, turning around. "See, that's where we have to go," he explains, again, pointing at the sat nav. "And we're getting closer."

"But I wanna be home now," Freddie complains, done with everything.

"Same," Louis grumbles next to Zain, signalling to change lanes.

Zain ignores him, reaching back to pat Freddie's knee and wishing he could be as obliviously asleep as Harry was.

"Wanna watch Paw Patrol?" he asks. It would at least buy them some time.

"Yes!" Freddie nods, still frowning unhappily.

"Headphones," Louis says as Zain roots around Harry's it's-not-a-handbag-Zain to find his phone. They were rather useful.

"Of course," Zain rolls his eyes, putting them on to check the volume before handing everything back to Freddie.

"There you go, monster," he says, watching Freddie settle with his eyes glued to the phone.

Harry was still snoring softly, not moving when Zain touches his knee.

"I hope we don't hit any traffic," Louis grumbles, glaring at the car in front of him. "I'm done with it."

"Half an hour," Zain says like he's talking to Freddie and earns himself a glare. "We can switch if you wanna."

"No," Louis shakes his head. "That's gonna drive me even more insane."

He's quiet for a moment, tapping the steering wheel.

"When are you gonna drive up to Bradford?"

"Friday," Zain says, trying to stretch without invading any of Louis' space. "We're coming back Monday, though. Harry's got a doctor's appointment on Tuesday. Why?"

"Just asking. Dunno if I should take him to football on Saturday, he hasn't been for ages."

Zain shrugs. "Should probably get him started again, though," he yawns. "Especially if he can't exhausting himself with swimming every day."

"Don't remind me," Louis says. "I see broken windows in our future."

Zain snorts. "Possibly."

"When are we there?" Freddie asks, even louder with his headphones on.

Louis groans while Zain puts on his most patient smile.

"Soon, monster," he says.


"Babe," Zain says, touching Harry's shoulder and shaking him gently. "Babes, we're here, wake up."

Harry grumbles slightly, turning towards Zain uselessly.

Zain cups his cheek, rubbing his stubble. "Babes, wake up. We're home."

"Home?" Harry slurs sleepily, finally opening his eyes.

"Oh," he says, more alertly, rubbing his eyes. "Did I sleep the whole time?"

"Almost," Zain says, leaning down to kiss him quickly before leaving him to sort himself out and grabbing their bags from the back.

"D'you have my bag?" Harry asks, stumbling slightly as he gets out of the car.

"It's all inside. This is the last tour, babes," Zain says, closing the boot and locking the car.

Harry blinks at him uselessly, not moving. "Go ahead," he grins, brushing his lips over Harry's cheek again. "You're so out of it, babes," he adds, amused.

"M not," Harry protests, stepping away from the car and letting Zain push the door closed.

"I haven't been here ages," Harry adds, walking up the steps towards the entrance.

"Yea, feels like," Zain agrees, kicking his shoes off and dropping the bags. They could sort them out later. "We ordered pizza, too lazy to cook, you ok with that?"

"Yea," Harry yawns, touching the walls like he was trying to greet the house.

"I think I'm gonna have a shower. Wake up." He turns to look at Zain, grinning suddenly. "Are you coming? Where's Louis and Freddie?"

"Backyard. Freddie's gotta run around a bit," Zain answers, taking Harry's hand.

"Shower then," Harry nods, pulling Zain along.

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