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"Well, that's one way to get me to wake up on time," Zain pants, wiping a bit of come from the corner of Harry's mouth. "You good?"

"Yea," Harry says, licking the corner of his mouth as well. "I'm feeling good actually. Much better than all week. You being here helped."

"I think sleep helped," Zain says, brushing hair off Harry's forehead. "As much as I'd like to believe otherwise."

Harry rolls his eyes. "You're the least romantic person I can think of, seriously." He kisses Zain despite his words, soft and lingering. "What do you want to do today?"

"Dunno," Zain shrugs. "Spend time with you."

Harry presses his nose to Zain's cheek, hugging him tightly. "Movie? Make out a lot? And you can tell me all about how the exhibit is going?"

"Sounds like a plan, love," Zain yawns, patting Harry's back. "Ans maybe I can return the favour later," he smirks, kissing Harry's nose. "Now up. I'm hungry."

"Really?" Harry eyes him suspiciously, rolling out of bed as well.

Zain shrugs. "Yep," he says. He isn't all that hungry but Harry needed to eat and he wasn't above a little exaggeration for the sake of Harry's health.


"Don't want you to go," Harry pouts.

"You know I don't want to go either," Zain says, cupping his cheek and kissing him softly again. "But we have a monster at home."

"Yea," Harry sighs, dropping his head on Zain's shoulder. "You have Woof?"

"Of course," Zain smiles, kissing Harry's hair. "I'll call when I'm home and Freddie's gonna tell you all about it."

"You're so condescending," Harry sighs, pushing Zain away. "Now go while I'm slightly annoyed."

"Course," Zain grins, cupping Harry's face and kissing him softly. "Take care, love. Yea?"

"Yea. I'm fine," Harry says.

"Right," Zain nods, pressing a kiss to Harry's upper cheek. "Because telling me that five times makes it true."

"It does," Harry grins cheekily, pressing his nose against Zain's for a second.

"Alright. Get going. Don't want you driving in the dark," Harry adds, sighing, pulling his cardigan more tightly around him. He looks like a grandpa, with his glasses and his awful knit cardigan Zain knows costs half a fortune.

"Alright, babe," Zain says, kissing his cheek again.

Harry still follows him to the car, leaning in through the open window as Zain sorts himself. "Did you grab water?"

"You packed me two bottles yourself, stop fussing," Zain says, messing his hair up some more.

"Yea, ok. Call me, please?"

"I will," Zain says again, trying to smooth Harry's hair down again. "Step back, babe."

He turns the car on and waits for Harry to lean inside to kiss Zain's cheek again before stepping back.


my love
just arrived
gimme 10 then u can talk to the monster

the wife💛

my love

Oh, hi Woof.

Woof woof mummy

Hi, baby.
How was your weekend?

It was good, I went swimming but now I'm tired.
Night. I love you lots!

Love you, too, baby.

Hey, babe.

Okay. Hi. Why is he so quick?

He got a new book and Louis promised to read it to him so he's excited.

Have you-

Have I what?

Nothing. Was the drive alright?

It was alright, yea.
What did you want to ask?

Nothing, just.
Have you talked to Louis? Do you think he'd be fine with Freddie staying a bit next weekend?

I was gonna ask him later. But babe I can't promise anything.

I know. But maybe he'll be alright with it. Just for a bit.

I'll ask, my love.

Okay. It was nice that you were here.

I missed you, too.
Go to sleep, yea, babe?

Yea. I'll call tomorrow.
Love you.

Love you, too, babe.


short one I despaired 😬

(also some self-promo. I have a Instagram now and i sometimes post deleted scenes from cc there (and I spam a lot...) just... FYI

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