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the wife💛

Hello my little snake

I'm not a snake, mummy, don't be silly.
I was just pretending.

And you're not pretending today?

We have football today and I need my legs.
I gotta shoot goals.
And Zain said we could go for a ride with my bike again and I need my legs for that as well!

Right. You looking forward to that?

Sure. It's fun.
Mummy, two sleeps and then we're with you again. And daddy said we'd go to the beach!

Yea, we will. Unless it's raining all the time but it's supposed to be sunny.

That's good! Sun is good, Zain likes the sun. His mummy calls him sunshine, did you know? Like Zain calls me monster and you call me baby.

I did know, actually.

Mm. What does your mummy call you?

She calls me baby.

Oh, like me.
Daddy's mummy calls him love. Zain calls me that sometimes as well.
And Hassan's mummy calls him beta.


When I have a baby-

Oh, you're having a baby?

Not now, mummy!
When I'm old! Like you.

Thanks for that.

You are old!

What are you gonna call your baby then, baby?

I'm gonna call it T-Rex because it's my favourite dinosaur and because it's the best name.

I'm sure it is.
You're good at naming things, hm?

Yea, I named my song for you.
It's the best name.

It is, baby.

I know.
Oh, we have to leave for football soon, I'd better remind Zain.
He's packing me snacks so I can have snacks and so we don't have to wait long before I can ride my bike later.


We have to leave!

In twenty minutes, monster.
If you're done talking to mummy you can give me to him and go get ready.

I am.

You're not wearing your socks.
Did you use the toilet?
Did you put on your shoes?

Urgh. I'm going.

Hi, babe.
What's up?

Nothing much.

Want me to help you with your Urdu again?

You know what, I thought you'd be happy I was trying but you're just being mean to me.

Don't pout, my love.

Oh. You do like it.

Of course, I do.

What did you say then?

You'll figure it out.



Oh, and don't think I didn't notice you manipulating Freddie into needing his legs all day.

Gotta save myself somehow. I'm just glad the cleaners were here yesterday morning so everything was reasonably clean before he started licking things.

I miss him.

I know babe.
Not long now.

Yea. I'm gonna spend some time with people tonight so I won't be able to call for long.

Socialising, babe.
You're really feeling better, huh?

A bit.
I'll call later then. Have fun with the monster.

Bye, babes.

the wife💛
Ok there's so many people I'll try and call in a bit

my love
it's fine
have fun

the wife💛

Oh, hi baby that was quick.

I was waiting.
Mummy, when I come visit can you buy me strawberries?

Sure, why are you asking?

Daddy forgot.
He went to the store yesterday and brought back cheese and no strawberries. I don't like cheese.

Sometimes you do.

Just some cheese, mummy.
But you'll have strawberries, right? You won't forget?

I won't forget.
And if not we can go buy some.

Zain said you have to work so I should just say goodnight.
Do you have to work?

I do.
Goodnight, baby. Sleep well.
I'll see you soon.

Bye, mummy.

the wife💛
He hung up.
Goodnight to you to, I'll call tomorrow xx

my love
it's fine babe
have fun


this is part 100 btw (or 300)... halfway point and then you'll have cc 3 like you want 😭😭💀

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