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"Hey," Zain says, brushing his thumb over Harry's eye as he blinks then open for the first time.

"You're awake before me," Harry mutters, leaning closer so he can press his nose against Zain's shoulder. "Why?"

Zain shrugs, combing his fingers through Harry's hair and pressing a kiss to his head. "Why is anyone awake, really?"

"Okay," Harry says amused, not bothering to open his eyes. "What kind of mood is this?"

"Just," Zain says, his thumb rubbing over Harry's ear. It shouldn't make Harry feel as mushy as he does, Zain's hands on him and his baby moving. "Can't believe you're back and I'm no longer busy. Feels surreal."

"Well," Harry yawns, pressing his nose closer. "I still have an album to finish before the baby is born, so there is that."

"Sounds like your problem," Zain teases, proving that he was not completely gone in whatever mood he had been lost in. Zain ducks down, kissing Harry's cheek, lingering. "That a deadline?"

"Hm," Harry hums, tilting his head back so Zain could kiss him properly. He'd missed this, just lazy morning without a goodbye or an appointment hanging over them like that biblical sword he could never remember the name of.

"Promised Jeff," he says, when Zain moves on to mouth at his jaw. "For some reason," he adds, tilting his head back when Zain goes for his neck. "he seems to believe I won't be feeling like working on it after my baby is born."

"Can't imagine how he got that idea," Zain snorts against Harry's skin, biting slightly.

Harry squeaks but holds him close, fingers tangled in Zain's hair. For once there wasn't a reason to stop him. For once, Zain could suck a love bite into his neck for everyone to see, not just his hips or thighs or wherever else he thought he could get away with it.

He grins, happy, biting his lips as he squirms closer, arching his hips up to give Zain the right idea.

"Zain! Mummy!" Freddie calls, slapping against the door. "I'm hungry."

Zain huffs against Harry's neck, teeth nipping one last time.

"Coming, monster," he calls, leaning over Harry and kissing him on the lips, chaste. "You can take a shower," he says magnanimously to Harry, pressing another kiss to the corner of his mouth.

"I'll be down in a bit," brushing a hand through Zain's hair and sighing when Freddie slaps the door again, chanting for breakfast.

"Monster," Zain says, pulling the door open and catching him as he throws himself at Zain, pressing a kiss to his hair.

"Why are you locking the door again?" Freddie asks, wrapping his arms around Zain like a koala, not letting go even when Zain tries to put on a shirt. "In the other house you didn't!"

"Because your dad wasn't there," Zain says, adjusting Freddie around as he pulls his tshirt down.

"You're locking out daddy?" Freddie gasps.

Harry hides his smile in Zain's pillow, catching Zain's amused gaze.

"Only when he won't let us sleep," Zain lies smoothly, pressing a kiss to Freddie's cheek. "Aren't you gonna say good morning to mummy?"

"Hi mummy," Freddie says, handing over Zain's shoulder. "You're not going away, are you?"

"No, baby," Harry says, not bothering to lift his head out of the pillow. "I'll be down in a bit, I'm having a lazy day."

"That's okay," Freddie decides, leaning backwards in a way that would make Harry's heart stop if he didn't know that Zain was somehow always prepared for Freddie's gymnastics.

"Breakfast, Zain!" he announces, upside down.

"Breakfast," Zain repeats, carrying him out with a last grin at Harry.

Harry smiles to himself, stretching in bed for a moment until the desire to be with them is stronger than the urge to laze around. He could lie on the couch while Freddie played. Or the floor.

He yawns, stretching and blinks at himself in the mirror, biting his lip against the grin at the red mark on his neck. It would bruise nicely. He bites his lip more firmly and goes to take a quick shower, desperate for Freddie's bedtime already.


So many things to go and no clue about nothing so I will try for little ones now 🙈

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