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my love
good morning babe

the wife💛
Good morning xx

my love
back home
i know why i've been quiet but usually u have more to say
what's wrong

the wife💛

I don't want you to be angry.

What did you do?

Nothing. I promise.

Babe, what's wrong.
You look awful.

I just don't want you to freak.
Freddie wants me to be his mum.
He asked. Well, he told me to?

Ok? Why are you freaking out?

Why aren't you?

Because he's been asking. I just wanted to talk to you first and didn't wanna do it over the phone.
Why are you upset?
Babe, why are you crying?

I'm not.

Babe, if you don't wanna —

No! No!

Why were you freaked then?

Because you wouldn't let me pay for his school and we had a whole fight about it.

Shush, babe, stop crying.

I'm trying!

Babe, I told you I'm — we're in it for good.
The school thing was really just about you spending unnecessary money.
I don't know what to think that it's freaking you out this much.

I— ok.
It hasn't quite sunk in yet maybe. I don't know.
But ok. That's good. I like that.
Except that you call it unnecessary money.
And Louis?
Is he gonna be mad?

No, babe. He knows that train's left the station.
And he likes you when you remember to not finish the milk.
And he knows you care about Freddie.

I do.

I know.

I wanna come home.

This is why I didn't wanna do it over the phone.
Just another week, love.
You'll be busy and it'll pass really quickly.



No, I'm fine.

Baby, you gotta talk to me when you're upset.

I know. I just. He asked while you were sleeping after our fight and I just. I didn't want to start another one, it just felt like the only time we interacted was to fight.
I hate being away.

I guess I get that.

I don't know.
But it also didn't want to not talk to you about it because it felt dishonest.
Basically we're awful at this.

Yea. I know I am.

I'm sorry. I just.
I don't know, I guess I didn't quite believe you when you said you were committed. Still.
But this makes it easier to believe, I think.

Ok. I mean. I guess I see your point.
As long as you promise to talk to me properly next time.
We know I'm bad at this. Don't want to rub off on you.

I want you to rub off on me. Miss you.

And you call me a pervert, brat.
Miss you, too. Gonna fuck you so good when you come home.

Yea. That's good, yea.

Ah shit.

No, I don't have time, I'm going out in a bit, I need to get ready.

Yea, ok.

Text when Freddie wakes up. Might not be able to call right away but I will before I go to sleep.
And stop wanking! At least until I've hung up!

But it's nicer when I can see your face.


Alright, there.
Take care of yourself.
Love you.

I will.
Love you, too.

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