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"Morning, baby," Harry says sleepily, blankets rustling.

Zain opens one eye to check on them, but Freddie is still mostly asleep, cuddling under the blanket with Harry, his breath already evening out again.

"It's only five," Harry tells Zain, stroking his hand through Freddie's hair.

"K," Zain mutters and falls back asleep.


Zain wakes to Freddie whispering next to him and reaches out blindly to rub his back.

"Are you awake?" Freddie asks, poking at Zain cheek.

"Yea," Zain says, tapping Freddie's nose, and meeting Harry's eyes. "And you two?"

"Yea, we're awake," Harry says amused. "And we are going to have pancakes for breakfast."

"Really," Zain says, rising a surprised eyebrow.

Harry kisses the back of Freddie's head and shrugs.

"With strawberries!" Freddie says happily.

"Harry's spoiling you, hm," Zain makes, rubbing a bit of sleep sand from Freddie's eye.

"No," Freddie frowns. "I'm not spoiled."

"Course not," Zain says, kissing the side of his nose. "So you're going to make pancakes, my loves?"

"Yea, but you have to be nice or you won't get any," Freddie says with a grin, squealing when Zain grab him and starts tickling him, blowing a raspberry to his cheek.

"Zain!" he squeals, cackling, kicking at the blankets.

"Aren't I always nice?" Zain grins, kissing Freddie's cheek with a loud smack as he lets him go.

"Never," Freddie shrieks, climbing over Harry to hide behind him, grinning mischievously.

"Sometimes," Harry grins, grabbing Freddie and getting up. "Come on, baby, the pancakes won't make themselves."

"I'll take a shower and come down, yea," Zain says, stretching.

"Lazy," Harry whispers loudly to Freddie, making him giggle again.

"Now who's not being nice?" Zain grumbles and listens to Freddie giggle happily.


"Bye, baby," Harry says, kissing Freddie's hair. Freddie turns his head away, pouting, still unhappy that Harry hasn't given in to his pouting and whining and begging. "Love you," Harry adds anyways, looking at Zain with large eyes.

Zain shrugs at him. Freddie has a stubborn and petulant streak, but he's never thrown a tantrum over Zain or Louis leaving for a bit. Maybe it was because Harry was still new and hadn't really been away since Freddie had fully attached himself, maybe because Harry hadn't really denied him anything properly, yet.

Harry presses another kiss to Freddie's hair and gets up with a sigh, wrapping his arms around Zain's waist and hugging him.

"He'll get over it," Zain assures him, kissing the side of his head.

"Yeah," Harry says, letting Zain go with a quick kiss.

Zain watches him pull on his shoes and a coat, biting his lips as he picks up his bag. It's tiny, Zain's not sure how anyone could travel with that little. But then, he probably had enough to keep everything in every spot.

"Call when you arrive at the airport and when you land and if you get anxious, alright?" Zain says, kissing Harry again.

"Yea," Harry smiles, tilting his head slightly to press his cheek against Zain's hand. "I promise. You don't have to worry."

"You were really anxious the last time," Zain frowns at him, stroking his cheek and brushing his hair behind his ear.

"I was fine," Harry says, pressing his nose against Zain's cheek. "I love you and I promise that I will call and text constantly."

"Maybe not constantly," Zain says, holding Harry close for a moment. It's not even a full two weeks, but it feels like ages.

"Alright," he says, pulling himself together, kissing Harry chastely and pushing him away. "Get going. Don't want you to miss your flight."

"Love you," Harry says, pressing another lingering kiss to Zain's cheek.

"Love you too," Zain says, forcing himself to smile, and turns him around, pushing him towards the door for both their sakes and watches him jog down the steps. He looks over his shoulder again before getting into the car, waving quickly before he vanishes behind tinted windows.

Freddie is still frowning mulishly at his dinosaurs, petulant, not looking up when Zain tickles his chin.

Zain settles on the floor next to him, taking one of the dinosaurs and roaring as he runs it towards Freddie's house. Freddie roars in response, giggling slightly, thankfully letting himself be distracted.


the wife💛
At the airport

Through security, it's all good you don't have to worry.

11:52Through security, it's all good you don't have to worry

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my love
alright babe
take care

the wife💛
Boarding, I'll text when I land

my love
love u babe be safe

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