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Harry wakes up to a fluttering in his stomach. He blinks blearily, rubbing at his stomach and pressing his nose against Zain's neck with a yawn.

His stomach flutters.

"Zain!" he yelps, sitting up abruptly and staring down at his belly. "Zain!"

"Wha'?" Zain slurs sleepily, hand bumping against Harry limply. "You okay?"

"Yea," Harry says, poking at his belly. Uselessly, he knows but — "Zain, I can feel the baby!"

"You can?" Zain says, looking much more alert, hand coming up to spread across Harry's belly.

"Yea," Harry nods and lays back down, scooting closer. "I thought I was just in love with you, but it's the baby."

"What?" Zain huffs a laugh, his thumb stroking over Harry's belly, where their baby was moving.

Harry giggles, then snorts at himself. Zain's looking at him in amusement, eyes barely open but happy. "You sure you're not just overexcited?"

"Maybe," Harry grins, moving Zain's hand so it was closer to the fluttering, even if he would not be able to feel anything himself for a while. "She's moving, can you believe it? It's like an actual person is moving inside me, Zain."

"Not just like," Zain yawns, closing his eyes again. "It's pretty cool," he adds, lips brushing against Harry's shoulder.

"Is it as cool as having a whole painting series done for you?" Harry says, feeling giddy with love for Zain and for their baby and just — how could Zain barely even propose and then turn around and be the most romantic of all times.

"I should hope so," Zain says. "It's our baby, after all, not just some paint."

"Yea," Harry says, his stomach fluttering for a different reason. He kisses Zain, brushing their noses together when Zain barely even moves. "Our baby."

"Hm," Zain agrees, drifting off to sleep again.

Harry brushes his hand through Zain's hair, biting his lip against a manic grin when the ring catches his eye, simple enough that he doesn't have to take it off to sleep. He twirls a strand of Zain's hair around his finger, watching the light play across the metal and closes his eyes again, drifting off to a fluttering in his stomach and Zain's even breaths.


emotions are hard people

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