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"I'm here, I'm here!" Harry yells, rushing into the living room and stopping there, panting slightly with his hands on his thighs. It's dramatic enough that Zain has to grin.

"That's good, babe," he says. "But it's not even 11, no need to rush."

"You were on the radio!" Freddie says, rushing up to Harry and pulling on his suit.

Harry frees it from his clutches and smiles down at him. "Did you listen?"

"Yea," Freddie nods excitedly. "It was boring."

"He wanted to," Zain shrugs, when Harry shoots him a look like it was Zain's fault. "I didn't force him."

"And you didn't like it?" Harry asks, stroking Freddie's hair off his forehead and making it stick up wildly.

"No," Freddie says. "Radio is only nice if they play good songs or make jokes. You didn't play Kiwi!"

"You really like that one, huh?" Harry smiles widely. "We can listen to it together now while Zain gets ready, what do you think?"

"Yes!" Freddie says, starting to sing "I'm having your baby! It's none of your business" very off key as he hops around excitedly.

Zain scrunches up his nose, glad that he's leaving them soon. "You can get changed first, babe," Zain says, kinda worried for Harry's clothes. "I'm leaving at quarter to twelve and I already showered."

"Alright," Harry says, watching Freddie dance fondly. "Wait for me, monster? I'll be done in a big."

"I'm gonna pay for this!" Freddie exclaims before focussing on Harry. "Okay!" he adds, before going back to repeating the same line over and over again.

Harry pulls a slight grimace at Zain, like he's only just realising what exactly his lyrics were, but leaves them to it.


"How did it go?" Harry asks as soon as Zain steps through the door like he's been hovering there since Zain texted that he is on his way back.

"Hello to you, too," Zain says, cupping Harry's neck and pulling him into a kiss. Harry sighs into it, relaxing somewhat.

"But how did it go?" Harry asks, watching Zain hang his coat and toe off his boots.

"Good, I think," Zain shrugs. "She gave me a copy of the contract they usually use, so I can look at it and she's taken my portfolio with her, but she said she liked what she saw."

"Really?" Harry asks, jumping slightly on the spot and throwing his arms over Zain's shoulder, pecking his lips. "If you give the contract to me I can give it to one of the lawyers tomorrow. We're still gonna need to check to see if the one you're signing is the same but -," Harry says in a rush, pressing kisses to Zain's cheek in excitement.

"Slow down, alright," Zain says, pulling him close. "You'll end up disappointed. I want to read it first, but that'd be good, with the lawyers. Thank you."

"Of course," Harry says gently. "And I'm not going to be disappointed. This is already so great, I am so proud of you."

"Thanks, my love," Zain says against Harry's cheek. "But we'll see and I'll have to paint a lot if she really takes me on. She said she'd want to show twenty pieces at least and she wants me to paint some new pieces, nothing I showed before. She liked your birthday gift."

"Yea?" Harry says smugly, squeezing Zain excitedly. "I like it as well."

"That's the important bit," Zain says, sneaking a hand under Harry's t-shirt, feeling giddy with happiness. Just half a year ago, he'd been dreading the moment Freddie went to school and Zain would be left directionless. Even if this didn't work out, he had many other things to look forward to already. "She also said I need to start an instagram for my art. Build an online presence," he adds, pulling a grimace.

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