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"Up, my love," Harry wakes Zain, kissing his cheek a few times until Zain's forced his eyes to stay open. "I already called for breakfast. The shower is all yours."

"Thanks, babe," Zain grunts, rolling out of bed blindly, the thought of possibly missing their flight making him get up when usually he'd have stayed in bed for a while. The shower wakes him somewhat. He'll be sweaty again by the time they board but at least he'll know he was clean before.

Harry's got everything prepared, their bags laid on the bed and their carry on right beside, their phones charging on the bedside table.

"Thanks, babe," Zain yawns, settling at the breakfast table and taking in the view one last time. He leans over to kiss Harry's shoulder. "You're the best travel companion."

"I should hope so," Harry smiles, pulling Zain's hand onto his thigh and taking a sip of his smoothie. Zain has never been this far from home and one week without Freddie was the longest he's ever been away as well and he's ready to go home. But being along with Harry was something else, being the centre of Harry's attention at all times. It felt like flying a bit.

"Love you," he says, leaning across to press his lips to Harry's.

Harry smiles at him, so bright and happy. Zain tugs on his lower lips gently, letting him go reluctantly, and takes a sip of his tea, Harry's eyes fixed in him.


"Come on," Harry says, taking Zain's hand and pulling him back inside, pulling his shirt off at the same time. "The car is coming in half an hour to pick us up, want you to fuck me before."

"Yea?" Zain asks, taking Harry by the waist and kissing his shoulder.

"Yea," Harry says, pushing his track bottoms down and bending forward, putting his hands on the bed. "Come on, I got myself ready in the shower."

"Really?" Zain asks, a bit flabbergasted. He cups Harry's arse and carefully presses two fingers into him. They sink in easily, and Harry whines, pushing back against them. "You hate it like that," Zain says, because he's given up on even trying to get Harry bent over somewhere. "You always say I'm too far away and that you can't see my face."

"Stop taking," Harry moans. "We gotta be efficient. Come on, Zain, fuck me."

"Sure," Zain says, pushing his own bottoms down enough to free his cock, jacking himself a few times into full hardness and pushing into Harry at once. Harry scrambles for purchase on the sheets, moaning as Zain picks up his pace.

Zain likes it like this, sometimes, just bending them over and fucking fast and deep. He's only had Harry like this once because Harry wanted to see Zain or, when he let himself be turned onto his belly, he wanted it close and slow.

It drives Zain a bit crazy now, having Harry like this, the broad expanse of his back and the way he can watch himself vanish inside him. Perhaps because it's almost novel, the way Harry whines and pushes back, gasping with every thrust even though it's not different from the way he usually sounds.

He wraps his hand around Harry's cock and jacks him off sloppily, holding Harry firmly by the waist with his other hand. It doesn't take long and he comes with a shout, reaching back for Zain like he needs him closer. Zain thrusts into him again, deeply, chasing his own orgasm. It doesn't take long, not with Harry still clenching around him and he, too, comes, pressing deep.

Harry whines when Zain pulls out, letting himself fall onto the bed. Zain kisses his spine, pulling his arse cheeks apart and watching his come drip out of Harry.

"Pervert," Harry complains, tilting his hips up slightly to give Zain better access.

"Yep," Zain agrees, slipping his thumb into Harry. "Don't lie down, babe, you need to get cleaned up."

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