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my love

the wife💛

I like how I can tell how well you slept by your awake-message, Zain.
Hi, baby.


I don't know what you mean. I always sound super chipper and happy about getting up.
Right, monster?


You little traitor.

Hassan says you always have to agree with your mummy because mummies know everything.

Ha! I like Hassan.

The great and wise Hassan strikes again. Is that what you talk about when you're playing, monster?

Well, he knows stuff, Zain!
He has baby siblings and a mummy and he is really good at football!

Yea, he knows everything.

Well, he knows the important things, right, baby?

Yea, see, Harry understands.

I'm just gonna warn Louis about this and then we can go to the park where Hassan can teach you great new things.

Sounds good.

I know it does.
Go talk to Harry, I'm gonna take a shower.


Bye, babe.
We'll talk later, yea?

Yea. I have meetings again but maybe I can take a break before you go to bed.
Love you.

You too.

So, what are you gonna be playing with Hassan, baby?

Dunno. He always has great ideas.
But I definitely football and we're trying to jump further off the swings. We marked it with a little stone so we know where we landed last time and I jumped really far last time and I want to try and get farer.

You sure you're not gonna hurt yourself if you try to jump even further?

Nah. I'm good at landing.
And it's sand.

You know you have to pick the right point to jump off, right. It's not just about how high you're swinging.

I know. I've done it lots already.
I'm really good at it as well, I didn't say yesterday.

Alright. You'll have to show me sometimes.

And you can meet Hassan!
His Urdu is better than mine but I don't get to speak as much because daddy doesn't know and you don't either.

And you and Zain don't speak it a lot either.

We do sometimes. When he forgets or when I forget.

You forget a lot?

It happens.
Can we paint my nails when you come home? Zain won't because he says he doesn't know how.

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