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"Mummy, Zain!" Freddie yells, bursting into the room. "Daddy looked at the internet and it says the water is here!"

"Knocking, monster," Zain grunts without lifting his head.

"It's a holiday, holiday is special," Freddie says, letting himself fall onto Harry's back. Harry lets out a grunt at the sudden weight on his back, reaching back to touch Freddie's leg.

"Holiday still means the rules apply, baby," Harry says, turning to the side to throw Freddie off gently.

Freddie giggles, far too awake. "We have to go now before it leaves again!"

"It's not that quick," Zain mutters, grabbing Freddie around the middle and tickling him. "Have you had breakfast?"

"No," Freddie shrieks, kicking his legs. "The beach is more important."

"We could take it to the beach?" Harry says quietly, looking at Zain who's still not opened his eyes.

Freddie shrieks in agreement before Zain's even blinked or looked at Harry.

"Sure," Zain says slowly, reaching for Harry, brushing his hand over Harry's cheek. "Why don't you tell your dad, monster?"

"Daddy's taking a shower," Freddie shrugs, settling on Zain's belly and crossing his legs, trying to get comfortable. "He says he's gotta test the water here to see if it's different. Can we really take everything to the beach? Even strawberries?"

"We'll have to choose what to take here," Zain says slowly, still looking at Harry. "But you can take your strawberries, monster, fear not."

"Okay. And my dinosaur. And my shovel!"

"Sure," Zain agrees. "Babe, are you sure that's a good idea?"

"Mummy said we can, Zain," Freddie interjects, poking at Zain's shoulder.

"It'll be fine," Harry shrugs, biting his lip. He can't hide in the house just because someone might see him. They'd been lucky no one had been on their path yesterday.

"Alright," Zain agrees, watching Harry for another moment. He sits up and catches Freddie in his arms, blowing a raspberry to his neck. "Let's go and grab your strawberries, monster?"

"And mummy?" Freddie asks, giggling when Zain dangles him from his arm. "Isn't he coming?"

"He is," Zain says, shooing Freddie from the room. Freddie still looks back at Harry, eyes large even as he pulls Zain towards the door.

"I am," Harry assures him, stretching, watching them leave the room with his heart full.


"Why did he even want the water?" Harry asks, leaning back on his hands as he watches Freddie dig his shovel into the wet sand with a look of utmost concentration in his face, his tongue poking out at the side of his mouth. "He hasn't even gone near it once."

"Don't jinx us," Louis says quickly, shooting Harry a look. "He'll hear and try and drown himself in an attempt to, I don't know. Be a pirate."

"Or a shark," Zain answers idly, not moving from where he's resting his head in Harry's lap. "Hassan's introduced sharks at the playground like two days ago, so get ready for that."

"Better than the licking," Louis shudders.

"You didn't even have to suffer through it, you prat," Zain says, licking Louis gently.

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