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the wife💛
missed call (2)

the wife💛
Are you okay??
I have to leave..
Text please...

my love
so u'll never guess who decided to sleep in today...

the wife💛
I can guess very much
Give him a kiss
Is he already? Is he getting a cold?
I've got to put my phone away now
Text when you leave!

my love
will do
kiss given and returned
he's very excited for the beach
and also for his mummy

the wife💛

my love
this would be much easier if u used emojis babe

the wife💛

my love

the wife💛
Not if you keep that up

my love
couldn't respond with ur typing u loser


the wife💛
That was not a competition
You didn't win!!
I still have a bit, I'll text when I leave. You remember the code right?

my love
we're here
and i did win

the wife💛
And you did not!


"Monster, stop it!" is the first thing Harry hears when he pushes the door open.

It probably should not make him as happy as it does, especially since it is Louis and not even Zain. He kicks off his trainers and drops his bag by the door, happy and relieved to hear Freddie's giggling and then shrieks.

"Daddy, let me go!" Freddie laughs, licking his legs where he's hanging upside down in Louis's arms.

"Will you stop trying to break your neck?" Louis asks, shaking him carefully up and down.

Freddie laughs, twisting like an eel. "Mummy!" he calls when he catches sight of Harry, starting to squirm some more.

Harry's heart still skips a breath when Freddie calls him that. He's not sure he'll ever get used to it. He's also not sure how Louis manages to hold on to Freddie.

"Hi, baby," he says, watching Louis and Freddie wrestle a moment before Louis lets him go, carefully setting him onto the ground.

"Hi," he says when Freddie throws himself into Harry's arms, hugging him tightly and pressing a kiss to his hair. He's missed him so much, he doesn't think he's ever missed anyone as much.

"I missed you, mummy," Freddie says, his arms tight around Harry's neck.

"Missed you too, baby," Harry says, choked, blinking back tears. "We're Louis and Zain being a bother?"

"Yes," Freddie grins, throwing a mischievous glance over his shoulder at Louis.

"Not you, though, right, baby?" Harry asks, pulling Freddie closer and pressing a couple of kisses to his cheek.

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