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"Zain, where're my glasses?" Harry asks, poking his head into the kitchen, looking slightly frazzled.

"Good morning," he adds, smiling at Trisha and Safaa in turn. Safaa flushed bright red, ducking her head and smoothing down her hair.

"Living room," Zain answers because that's usually where they were if Harry couldn't find them. He can't quite keep the smirk off his face that he is — for once — not the one rushing around in the morning, behind on time.

"Right," Harry frowns, pointing his finger at Zain. "Shut up."

"Didn't say a word," Zain smirks, spearing a piece of melon as Harry rushes away again.

"Where's he going?" Freddie asks confused, cranky. "Why's he not having breakfast with us?"

"He overslept," Zain lies easily as Louis gets a coughing fit. "He'll be here in a moment."

Freddie frowns like he is about to question it but Harry rushes back into the kitchen, his ridiculous grandma glasses on his nose, distracting him.

"Hi baby," he says, smacking kisses to Freddie's cheek in rapid succession before settling into his own chair and grabbing his bowl. "Did you sleep well?"

"It was ok," Freddie sighs. "Daddy is very annoying when he sleeps."

Harry snorts while Louis sighs long-sufferingly, rolling his eyes. "Well, you're sleeping with us tonight, so it was just this once."

"You snore," Freddie says, like he is debating if that's going to be annoying as well. "But I guess."

"And you?" Harry asks, smiling at Trisha. "Was Gemma's bed ok?"

"Perfect, thank you, love," Trisha smiles. "The mattress is lovely."

"Yea, Gemma was very specific about that," Harry says, keeping Freddie from grabbing a strawberry off his plate with his left hand. "Ask," he says, rising his eyebrow at Freddie.

"Ng," Freddie whines, pulling his hand away and crossing his arms petulantly.

"So no strawberries?" Harry asks.

"No," Freddie pouts, glaring at him, and turning away slightly.

"And how did you sleep, Safaa?" Harry asks, his eyes lingering on Freddie for a moment,  tone of voice overly casual as he smiles at her. "Did you sleep alright?"

Safaa blushes bright red but nods. "Yea," she says, her voice going up in the end.

"I don't get asked?" Louis complains, not in the best mood but sweet enough to save Safaa from further embarrassment.

"I know how you didn't sleep well," Harry says, unbothered, cutting up an apple. "you're in a mood."

"Well," Louis says, shrugging and getting up to put his dishes away. "I got kicked by the monster all night, it's bound to happen."

"Safaa and I can share," Trisha offers, staying sat down even as Zain gets up as well. It's a huge change from usual, because she's never stopped trying to clean up after them. Zain is tempted to ask about it. "Then Freddie can sleep in his own bed tonight."

"No!" Freddie complains, pushing his bowl away. "Harry said I could sleep in his bed tonight, I don't wanna sleep alone!"

"Don't pout," Harry says, tickling him under the chin. "I said you could sleep with us tonight and you can."

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