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"Where's the monster?" Zain asks, blinking.

Harry smiles at him, shrugging. "Playing, I think, I heard him go past a few times."

"Huh," Zain answers, curling around Harry and pressing his face to his belly. "Nice."

"Hm," Harry answers, stroking a hand through Zain's hair before going back to typing on his phone. 

"I wanna go to the beach today," he says once he's put his phone away, yawning. "Freddie will like it and we won't be here for long."

"You're a beach addict," Zain yawns, nosing at Harry's skin. "But okay, I'll watch the snacks."

"The most important job," Harry grins, scooting down to lie down next to Zain and kissing him. "What would monster and me be without snacks?"

"Unbearable, probably," Zain says, stroking Harry's cheek. "You look tired, babe."

"I just woke up," Harry says, rolling his eyes. "And so do you, anyways. I'll be home soon and just lie down all day."

"Sure you will," Zain grins, poking Harry's dimple. "I feel like you're confusing who of us is the lazy one."

"We can be both lazy," Harry says. "My baby will be in school," he adds, tearing up suddenly.

"Babe," Zain snorts, kissing him quickly. 

"Don't laugh at me, this is your fault!" Harry sniffs, wrapping his arms around Zain and pressing their cheeks together as his tries to calm down again. 

"How is this my fault?" Zain asks, hugging Harry tightly and rubbing his back.

"You knocked me up," Harry sniffs, his breathing evening out again.

"Because you wanted me to!" Zain defends himself.

"Yea," Harry smirks at him, pulling up his nose slightly as he wipes his eyes. Zain rubs his thumb over his cheek, wiping away a stray tear. "And you gave in!" 

"Yea, I did," Zain says softly, rubbing at Harry's cheek. "I'm glad you're coming home soon."

Harry smiles at him slowly, touching his nose. "Me too, let's cuddle till Freddie bursts in, I wanna cuddle."

"Demanding," Zain yawns into Harry's neck, closing his eyes as Harry tries to wiggle closer, sneaking his knee between Zain's. He'll probably fall back asleep, like this until Freddie burst in, demanding food or attention or both.


"Mummy mummy mummy," Freddie chants, hopping up and down.

"Freddie Freddie Freddie," Harry answers in the same manner, hopping with him and grinning down at him. "Excited?"

"Yeees," Freddie says, "I love swimming, it's so great!"

"I know," Harry says, his smile lighting up his whole face.

"You're all ready, then?" Zain asks, patting Harry's bum. It was very nice in his swimming shorts, ridiculous as they were.

"For ages, Zain!" Freddie says, grinning excitedly. "I was only in the pool for ages and ages because mummy was working."

"Yea, that was a chore," Zain agrees. "Just the pool, how awful."

Freddie looks at him with a frown. "You're being silly."

"He is, come on, we can run down to the beach, baby, that'll be fun," Harry says, leaning down to blow a raspberry to Freddie's cheek, making him squeal. "Zain can come later, he won't swim anyways."

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