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The wind always seems chillier nearer the sea, Harry thinks, grabbing Freddie's collar before he can run off.

Watching the ferry dock and people slowly starting to disembark feels like eternity, not at all helped by Freddie dancing around him, asking: "Is he here, is he here?" every other second.

Freddie sees him first, catching Harry unaware after the endless wait.

"Zain!" Freddie shrieks, hurtling forward and out of Harry's reach far too quickly.

"Freddie!" he yells, rushing after him. They're not so near cars or the water that he actually has to worry but Freddie was way too fast and there were way too many people. It stops his heart for a second.

"Don't run away," Harry says, catching up just as Freddie collides with Zain, the scolding unnoticed as Freddie tries to climb Zain in excitement, already chatting about everything.

"Hi my baby," Zain coos, picking him up, shooting Harry a grin that looks way too smug, his nose buried against Freddie's hair as Freddie chats about the important details of his life — the shell he has found and the way he has splashed water all over Louis and Gemma earlier. For all that Zain claimed to love the time away, he was worse than Harry once reunited.

"Freddie," Harry says again before he too can get distracted by Zain, tapping Freddie's knee to get his attention. "Don't run away like that. I know you're excited to see Zain but we can go together. Remember that next time, please, or you'll have to hold my hand, always."

"Okay, I'll remember," Freddie says, clearly considering it done, and turns back to Zain. "Perrie's hair is green now!"

"Yea?" Zain says, catching Harry around the waist and pulling him in. "Hi, babe," he says when Freddie pauses and takes a deep breath, having run out of steam for the moment.

"Let's get to the house," Harry says, kissing Zain's cheek quickly.

"Sure," Zain adds, adjusting Freddie slightly and tweaking his nose. "I was expecting Louis.
I thought you'd be working."

"Finished early," Harry shrugs, taking Zain's hand to lead them towards the car. "How was the train ride?"

"On time," Zain shrugs, juggling Freddie slightly. "Where's the car, monster?"

Freddie's not paying attention, pulling on Zain's hair and touching his piercings idly to distract himself. Maybe to ground himself. Harry can very much understand the urge.

"I hope you're up for being social," Harry says, unlocking the car and watching Zain fuss over Freddie as he rarely did. "Louis and Perrie decided we needed a barbecue since they're on holiday. And Gemma will do whatever Perrie says, actually. Never thought she'd listen to someone."

"She's not that bad," Zain grins at him, fixing Freddie's seat belt and enduring a wet kiss to his ear. "You excited for the barbecue, monster?" he adds, not moving away from Freddie even though he was strapped in.

Harry leans against the car door, catching Zain's hand and squeezing.

"I'm gonna help daddy grill everything!" Freddie announces enthusiastically, kicking his legs a bit.

"Nice," Zain says, offering his hand in a high five to Freddie who slaps it happily.

He does close the door finally, though, turning to Harry to cup his face and kiss him softly, lingering. It's been so long - just the soft press of his lips make Harry's knees weak and his eyelashes flutter. He leans into Zain for a moment, letting himself be lost.

"Come on," he says softly when Zain lets up, kissing his cheek again and pushing Zain towards the passenger door gently.

"You were kissing ages," Freddie complains as soon as Harry slides into the car. "I wanna help daddy with the grill."

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