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the wife💛

Hey, I overslept, sorry.
Can you give me Freddie real quick?

You look tired, babe.
Everything ok?

I'm exhausted.
Give me Freddie, please?

Monster. Harry's on the phone.

Mummy, Zain says he's going to visit you this weekend but not me.
Why not? Why can't I?


Freddie, we talked about this, you can't come with every time.
You can come with next time but this time you're staying with your dad.

But daddy can come, too!

He can't.

Why not? He can!
We can all go together!

Louis has to work, love.

Work is stupid!
Everyone is working!

Freddie, yelling's not gonna help.
I know you're frustrated but we can't help it either.
If you want to talk to Harry you have to now because he's got to leave.


You sure?
Alright, off he goes, sorry, babe.
You gonna be fine?

Yea, just. Tell him I love him.

Of course.

I don't like seeing him upset.

He's just frustrated. He'll be fine.

Okay. Ok.
I actually have to go now, just—

I'm sure he'll want to talk to you tonight, don't be so upset.
Love you.

Love you, too.

my love
Missed Calls (2)

my love
call as soon as u can pls
monster has remembered he actually wants to talk to u and hasn't stopped crying since

the wife💛
I literally can only talk 5 minutes, prepare him
Will call in 2 minutes!!

my love
sorry 😬

the wife💛

Oh, hey baby.
Zain said you are upset. What's wrong, my love?

I-I wanted-d t-to t-t-alk t-to you.

Baby, I miss you, too.

Oh look at you, now you're both crying.
Hey, baby, come here.


Yea, and look he's right there, my love, and he misses you just as much.


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