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"Up, Zain," Harry says, shaking Zain's shoulder slightly, startling him from his doze. "Freddie and I are almost ready and we need to leave if we want to make it on time."

"I don't have to make it," Zain mutters, pulling his blankets over his head. He hadn't gotten up when Harry had left the bed and he still didn't really feel like getting up just now. Especially not for a stylist. 

"Yes, you do," Harry says, resolutely pulling Zain's blankets away. "Come on, up!"

"Don't wanna," Zain mutters. Harry's house was always nicely warm so the shock of cold air that would usually get him to move doesn't come. He grabs Harry's pillow and buries into it, ignoring the way Harry is shaking his shoulder.

"Zain, really," he huffs, sitting down on the edge of the bed and changing tactics. "Come on, love," he coaxes, kissing Zain's cheek. "You gotta get up."

"Getting up is stupid," Zain complains, pulling Harry down onto the bed and hooking his leg over his thigh.

"Zain," Harry laughs, kissing Zain softly. "Really, we need to get up."

"Just a moment," Zain says, licking into Harry's mouth.

"Why are you already dressed?" he asks when they break the kiss, rubbing his nose against Harry's cheek.

"Because it's actually late and we need to get going," Harry says, stroking a strand of Zain's hair behind his ear. "I wasn't joking."

"M coming," Zain mutters. "Just a quick shower."

"Yep," Harry says, sniffing at Zain's t-shirt. "I'll make you some toast for in the car."

"You do that," Zain yawns, sitting up and stretching while Harry fusses with his hair and tries to straighten his sweater. "I'll hurry, I promise."

"Thank you," Harry says, grabbing his phone off the dresser. "I packed the iPad for Freddie just in case and he's bringing two dinosaurs and a car."

"Cool," Zain nods, scrubbing a hand over his face and forcing himself to actually get out of bed. "Ten minutes," he says over his shoulder, vanishing into the bathroom and trying to think of what to wear to see a man who would tell him what to wear.


Zain takes one look at the room - more like warehouse - full of clothes racks loaded with probably very expensive clothes and grabs Freddie's hand preemptively. He'd rather not have his sticky hands get near any of those clothes and if Harry got dressed here there were probably at least a few really, really expensive things here. He's finally gotten used to not minding all that much with the things Harry had at home and actually owned, but these would be loans and he really doesn't want his kid to ruin them.

"Hello Harry, just on time," a man says, kissing Harry's cheeks. He's probably the stylist with the way he's dressed awfully.

Zain pulls Freddie closer and puts a hand on his head.

"Hi Joe," Harry greets, reaching back for Zain and pulling him forward. "This is Zain, and Freddie. Zain, this is Joe, my stylist."

"Nice to meet you," Zain says, tickling Freddie's cheek to get him to says hello as well.

"Hi," Freddie says, looking at Joe critically.

"Hello," Joe says, looking at Freddie with a confused frown before giving Zain a once over that makes him feel distinctly undressed. "Come along, we can do you while we fit Harry."

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