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I hate reptiles. I hate every single reptile there ever existed and exists. I'm sure dinosaurs were big reptiles. And they suck as well, they suck so much that they still haunt me in my dreams.

"You named this Lizzy?" I was so glad its tail was the only thing showing. If I saw the terrifying emotionless face every reptile had in common, I'd most likely throw up.

"Yes." Nick's answer was as simple as it could get.

"Why." My whole face wrinkled with fear and disgust as the creature moved it's tail.

"Cause it's a LIZard.." Nick smiled, "Get it?"

I almost accepted my fate. But when the thing turned around and looked at me with a creepy, scaly face and bulging eyes, I looked away immediately.

"Call it whatever you want, just take it away."

When Nick said he wanted to get a turtle, I hoped it was just a joke. Turtles have the same terrifying face. And the scales too. But at least they're not as creepy as lizards.

"C'mon, hold her!"

When Nick brought the lizard closer, it seemed like they were both moving in slow motion. It wasn't a regular lizard, it was a huge bearded dragon from what I could see.

I quickly hid myself under the blankets and was about to scream before I heard Clay's voice.

"No, no, no, no, no, she's scared, don't!"

Even though the blanket covered my view, I could hear Nick backing away slowly. Clay was the only one who knew about my weird ass fear cause I mentioned it once when he showed me a picture of him riding an alligator as a child.

"They named it Lizzy!" I whined, slowly coming out from under my blanket.

I saw Clay's face turn in a way that I knew indicated a hidden laugh. Apparently he didn't know the lizard's name and I was the one breaking it to him.

"I mean, it's a LIZard.." Clay's words were just a prove that they all share a single braincell, "Get it?"

"And she looks exactly like you." Nick added. That was not a compliment I'm sure.

Knowing that there was no way they'd change its name, I gave it one more chance to prove its "cuteness". I looked at its face. The ugly ass eyes and the big ass mouth were not the only things disturbing me this time.

"It has a beard!" I exclaimed, almost crying when I remembered that Nick said it looks like me.

"No, no, it's okay, they'll change the name." Clay was trying his best not to laugh.

"We can't change her name.. they gave us a certificate that says "Lizzy" on it."

The worst thing about this was the fact that apparently they didn't even hesitate before naming the lizard Lizzy. If it already has the name on the certificate, they must have named it in the pet store. This feels planned.

"Why would you get a lizard? Out of everything." I still can't believe they had the opportunity to get a puppy and didn't.

"I wanted a snapping turtle so we went to the store that sold reptiles. I wanted to name it Snapnap, but they didn't have any." Nick sounded disappointed.

"Why didn't you go to another store?" Clay shrugged, slowly backing away as the lizard tried to climb up his arm.

"George saw a black snake and wanted to name it Severus Snake. I barely convinced him to at least get a lizard."

I really thought nothing could beat the level of stupidity of having a lizard named Lizzy. But a snake named Severus Snake is so much worse.

"Why is it so attracted to me?" Clay took one more step away from the lizard that was desperately trying to reach him.

"Her name is Lizzy, what did you expect?" Nick's jokes were getting out of hand already.

Clay could see the aggression building up inside of me gradually. Yet I could see his ego inflating from Nick's words.

And the funniest thing was that the lizard was starting to show its beard, which I guess is a sign of aggression.

"Great, now she's behaving like Lizzy on her period."

Nick's remark made Clay take him out of the room before I would completely lose my shit. Then he came back alone with chocolate in his hands as if it was going to fix anything.

"I don't want it." I frowned when Clay handed me the sweets.

"Maybe food?" He put the bars on the bedside table.


"Hmm.. fruits?"



"It makes the cramps worse." I sighed.




Clay showed the cutest smile ever, taking off his hoodie and putting on a shirt instead to get under the covers with me. And while he was at it I made a quick trip to the bathroom and came back, checking on George and Nick in the process and seeing that they were getting ready to leave the house.

I raised a brow, seeing them fix their hairstyles and spray cologne.

"Where are you going?" I asked, ignoring the caged lizard that was staring at me.

"Specialists are coming over to the new house to build an enclosure for Lizzy." George was so proud of himself for calling the lizard Lizzy infront of me.

"Besides, our setups are getting delivered tonight, so we'll be late." Nick added.

I had no idea what was going on but I nodded. The only thing bothering me was the fact that it looked like they weren't going to take the lizard with them.

"Don't forget to feed her, okay?" George confirmed my theory.

"What does it eat?"

And George made sure to make my day ten times worse than it already was by pulling out a bucket of moving noodles.


I was very close to throwing up. Did those things need to be alive and moving? And why is there so many of them-

It's okay.

Clay will feed her. Even though he hates worms and insects. Oh god, this is going to be so difficult.

"Can't you take her with you? Or feed her now?" I looked away from the bucket full of worms, already imagining the scene of the creepy lizard devouring them.

Both of them shook their heads. And Nick took the car keys.

"Tell Cleo I took his car," he brought back the nickname, "and if he complains, tell him to suck it up. I'm buying a car soon."

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