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"How did I forget ughh," Clay sat up on the bed, "he told me he was planning to do an 8 hour livestream on Christmas day cause he had nothing better to do."

"Text him?" I knew that George couldn't just back down and cancel the livestream after getting his fans excited and ready. But at least he'd know that we were here.

"He'll just end the stream for us. Don't wanna make him look bad." Clay sighed.

He was actually right. We should've told George earlier. Surprise visiting someone across the continent when we didn't even know his address was a bad idea.

"Then we'll spend Christmas by ourselves in London, and celebrate the New Years at George's place with him." I was trying to prove that everything wasn't as bad as it seemed, cause I knew that Clay got irritated easily when things didn't work out the way he planned.

"Or he can just lie to his stream that the electricity got cut off." I didn't even realize that Nick was awake until he spoke.

"That's actually so mean," Clay frowned, "you wouldn't do the same to your stream."

"Well yeah but I wouldn't let my friends wander around London on Christmas day either." Nick made an argument.

"Your point?" Clay's face looked emotionless.

"I don't even know, man." And that's when I related to Nick on another level.

After a lot of talking we decided to let George do his thing. We also didn't want to stay in the moldy hotel, so exploring London wasn't that bad of an idea.

And even though it was freezing outside and the whole thing was just exhausting, we still had so much fun during the day. The London Bridge was half an hour away from the hotel we stayed in, so it became our last destination before we'd head back.

We didn't even realize how the hours passed, and the only thing reminding us about that was the call we got from George. His stream was over.

"Hiiii!" He sounded tired but still excited, "Merry Christmas!"

"Heeey!" Clay pretty much matched the vibe, "Merry Christmas to you too."

"Sorry didn't see the missed calls before streaming," we heard him through the speaker, "why'd you spam call me anyway?"

Me and Nick decided to keep quiet and let Clay speak. He was good at taking the lead.

"Just wanted to tell some exciting news."

"What is it?" George's voice tone immediately changed into a curious one.

"You don't have to spend the New Years alone." Clay's words just warmed my heart.

"My family won't be back until 3rd of January," George sounded like he was trying to prove Clay otherwise, "so I pretty much am going to be alone till then."

"You can spend it with your friends!" Clay smiled.

"What a way to remind me that the only friends I have are continents away from me." I almost pouted from George's words.

"Are they?"

"Wait.. what?"

Clay said nothing. He just turned on the camera and held up his phone in a way that all of us would be in the frame along with the view of the bridge. Even though it was dark outside, the lights gave away our location.

George got closer to the screen with knitted brows, "Wait.."

"Surpriseee..." Nick sounded so unenthuasiastic. He got grumpy whenever he was tired or unsatisfied from something.

"The bridge? Couldn't think of something more original?" George was shifting in his seat and inspecting the screen, "That's green screen, stop lying."

"You wouldn't see me if it was green screen," Clay made a nice joke but decided to ruin it by explaining cause I was the only one who got it, "get it? Cause like I'm green and the green screen's green.."

"Wow Clay." Nick's way of reacting to things was something else.

"This is not funny, you're playing with my emotions." George looked so precious trying to not get excited, thinking that we were joking.

"Hey George," I looked up from my phone, "check your snapchat real quick."

And when he realized that I sent him my location, he actually screamed "no way" with an arsenal of energy that I didn't know he still had inside after 8 hours of streaming.

And all of us couldn't help but get excited too, ignoring our tiredness cause it was nothing compared to the joy George's happiness gave us.

"Wait so you're in London," he finally calmed down, "you can take the train to Brighton-"

"Finally, someone who appreciates the train!" The way Clay didn't let George finish made it look like he had been waiting for that moment for years.

"Damn, chill it's midnight." Nick frowned.

"What I was saying is if you take the train now, you'll be here in 2 hours max and I'll meet you in the station," at this point they were just interrupting each other, "no wait, I have to prepare the house. Aaahh!"

We laughed at how hyper George was, and I'm sure all of us found it adorable too. It was hard making plans with him when his mood was all over the place (in a good way), but we managed to discuss our plans.

As George refused to wait for another night, and we weren't willing to spend another night in the smelly hotel, we decided to head to the train station as soon as we got the chance and get the first train that went to Brighton.

All of us were too exited to think about the fact that we were exhausted and our bodies needed rest. We just decided to sleep in the train if we needed it

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