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"I'm gonna explode, take it away!" I pushed the water bottle away. There were already like 15 empty ones all around Clay's room.

"The doctor said it, not me." He was making me drink way too much water in the middle of the night.

"Did the doctor say make that bitch die of overhydration?" And that's how you scare him.

It was already 5 a.m. but sleeping wasn't in our schedule yet. I had to take my pills in an hour, so sleeping wasn't even a choice. I knew I was going to miss school in the morning, which wasn't that worrying cause I had a paper from the doctor. I actually could skip 2 days worth of classes. Maybe tonsillitis isn't that bad after all.

"George wants to call," Clay checked his phone, "wanna talk?"

I haven't talked to George in a while, and to be honest I really missed him. I nodded, fixing my posture before he could accept the call.

And there he is, wrapped in blankets and still sleepy in his bed.

"Ew, you're still together-" George didn't expect me to be at Clay's place, "I mean yay- goals. Hi."

"Why do you hate me so much lately?" I laughed, noticing how distant George was being.

"Whoa, what's wrong with your voice?" George got taken aback by how strained I sounded.

"You know, the regular," I shrugged, "sucked too much dick."

Both Clay and George looked at me and went "what?", but each of them had a different voice tone. Clay's was humorous, he knew that it was a stupid joke, while George sounded disappointed and traumatized at the same time.

"She has tonsillitis." Clay explained.

"Wait, why?" As stupid as George's question was, I could still work with it.

"My tonsils got infected from swallowing too much cum," I rolled my eyes from his stupid question, "what do you mean "why"? I caught a cold or something."

Just as I expected, it made Clay wheeze and George get even more annoyed. I don't even know why he gets this annoyed by my jokes recently, but it's actually hilarious to trigger him with them.

"Is it viral or bacterial?" George sighed.

Me and Clay both looked at eachother stupidly, trying to figure out how to answer his question. This felt like a biology exam and I had no idea about the details of my tonsillitis.

"Uhh..." We both were struggling to come up with a reply.

"You guys are so dumb," George sighed, "are you taking antibiotics for it?"

As far as I know, there were no antibiotics in the prescription. So I shook my head a "no".

"Then it's viral." It always amazes me how much random information lives in George's head.

"I don't know what I should do with that information, but thanks I guess," I started, "anyways, why are you ghosting me?"

It was supposed to be a half-joke question, cause George was literally texting me once a day with a dry ass reply to something I sent him. He wasn't really that in touch with Clay and Nick also, but still they got way more interaction with him than me.

"Uh.. I'm not." He didn't take it as a joke at all, "I'm just busy."

"Busy with what?" I raised a brow.

"With stuff.."

I was about to activate my loud mode and just rant about how stupid that answer was when Clay interrupted.

"Okayy, it's time for Liz's medication," he jumped in, "we'll talk later, George. Byeee."

Clay really had the nerve to interrupt like that and end the call. It wasn't even the time for my medication.

"What the fuck?" I laughed sarcastically.

"That was just pointless." He shrugged.

"We'd get to the point if you didn't hang up."

"It was this close to turning into a fight," He pinched the air with his words, "and the last thing your throat needs is yelling."

"He's acting weird towards me." I complained, trying to prove that I had a point to be mad.

"How so?" Clay put his phone away and drew his whole attention to me.

"Well we used to text and call each other alot, and he was just nice and funny in general. Now he's getting annoyed constantly and just avoiding me."

We both let the silence take over the room for a few seconds, thinking about what I just said and processing the possible reasons that could've caused what we were dealing with not.

Then I had a crazy thought which was kind of decent enough to say out loud. It still had chances to be true, and would be an actual reasoning behind George's behavior.

"What if.." I knew he wasn't going to take this seriously, "What if he has a crush on you-"

"What the hell?" Just as I expected, he cut me off and started laughing, "I think you have a fever again."

"No, listen," I slapped his hand away from my forehead, "he's not talking to me, but he's talking to you, he gets annoyed seeing us together and gets mad when I make mature jokes thinking that they're probably associated with you."

"He literally gets in touch with both me and Nick only for the video ideas and streams," Clay shook his head, "not a chance, don't ever bring that up again."

I shrugged, still thinking that it could've been an option. I know I probably made things weird for Clay by bringing such a thing up, as now his relationship with George was going to feel a lot less comfortable, but the thought would haunt me if I kept it to myself.

"Actually.. that makes me think," Clay raised a brow, "maybe he likes you."

At this point I just knew he was saying this just to make things even between us.

"You're just saying that to annoy me." I rolled my eyes.

"But listen.. I actually thought he had a crush on you before me and you met, cause he was so excited while talking about you every single time. He'd say things like "she's really smart" or "she's really funny" and you know that usually he's not that generous with his compliments."

Well that's some news.

"And when he was drunk he said that he feels guilty for stepping between me and you, yet he didn't really do anything, you were the one who kissed him," I sighed from his lowercase blame, "what I'm saying is maybe he feels guilty for liking you cause he knows that me and you are kinda.. together? Whatever, you get the point."

I took my pill before my fever would skyrocket from the new unwelcomed information, and finally looked at him.

"Bullshit. Absolute bullshit." I shook my head, wishing I never heard his words. And he looked kind of taken aback from his own words too.

Good job both of us for making everything weird between everyone.

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