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"They'll be here any minute now, hurry up!" Clay was banging on the bathroom door, trying to convince Nick to come out cause the electrician was on their way.

"I'm pooping, I can't just get up in the middle of it!?" Nick yelled back, and apparently yelling was a bad choice, "Great. It went back in."

I almost gagged from disgust when I could've been gagging on better th-

Wait.. nevermind.

"I see a car! Flush the toilet!" I yelled, waiting for Nick's response and heard the toilet flush instead.

I feel bad for lying. But he needs to change is shitting habits. He spends a lifetime in the toilet.

And of course Clay found my lie hilarious, yet Nick looked disappointed and broken.

However, the electrician did come in a few minutes after my words. And weirdly enough he was younger than I expected. Well, to be fair I expected a hairy dude with a mustache and a beer belly, but when have my expectations been high anyway?

He put the toolbox on the table, giving Nick and Clay handshakes. I only got a smile with my greeting. And a bit of a stare.

Or maybe I just found it hard to trust men.


Clay and that guy spoke for a bit before he started working. And by working I mean pretending to work.

While he was at it, I started fantasizing about him getting electrocuted cause I noticed him looking at my thighs quite often instead of looking at the wires. And he also had a disgusting look on his face while doing so, which creeped me out even more.

I was glad Clay wasn't witnessing this cause he was in the garage at the panel, but Nick's dirty looks thrown at the guy told me that he was aware of what was happening. I think it's imaginable how obvious he was if Nick noticed.

Because I was uncomfortable, I got up and went to the room. They didn't need me to be there anyway. And Clay charged his power bank at the neighbor's house, so I could finally use my phone again, so I wouldn't get bored either.

I had texts from George that confused me. He sent a text about him going to the airport 2 hours ago, which didn't match with the knowledge I had about his plans. He told me his flight was at 3 p.m., and now it was around 11 a.m.

Doesn't that mean it's too early to go to the airport?

When I called him I realized two things. The first one was that his phone was switched to airplane mode probably, and second that he didn't specify 3 p.m. in our timezone. And with some quick maths I realized that I completely got him wrong. He was going to be here 5 hours earlier than we thought he was.

I hurried to the living room to tell the news, but Nick wasn't there. He probably went to the garage.

I took a seat on the corner of the couch, trying to text Clay but realizing that he was probably not gonna check his phone.

And then I noticed that this piece of shit was still staring at my legs.

"Did you get injured from this?" He referred to the bandaid-covered cuts on my legs.

"How would I get injured from that?" My voice sounded strict and dry, just like I intended to make it come out.

"These give some pretty bad burns." He showed the wires as if I was interested in his words.

"Focus on them more then."

I raised a brow, distracting myself with my phone until Clay or Nick would come back. I'd go back to the room, but leaving a stranger alone and unwatched in an expensive house like this isn't a great idea afterall.

I have no idea how dickheads like this exist. Why did he even think making a move was a good idea?

"Can you hold this for me for a second?" He pulled out a wire, waiting for me to go kneel beside him and hold the thing.

"Will you split the cash if I do it?"

The way my face stayed straight and my voice had no humorous tones in it made that guy double think. And then triple think. Quadruple think.

And he has nothing to say. Nice.

Luckily Clay left Nick at the panel and came back. And I don't know if it was my remark or the guy sensed that Clay would break his spine in half if he kept staring at my body, but he stopped. And I felt confident as ever, ready to tell Nick to flip the switches anytime the pervert would misbehave and burn him alive.

"George's plane is landing at 7, not midnight." I made my voice lower, directing my words to Clay.

"Oh, you're expecting someone?"

I was genuinely so pissed at that guy. He was now shoving his nose into things that he had nothing to do with.

"Yeah," I could tell by Clay's voice that he wasn't pleased with the interruption as well, and the continuation of his speech just proved my point, "we also expect that to be finished as soon as possible."

I didn't even care that both me and Clay were being rude to a stranger that was trying to do his job. To be fair, the point was that he wasn't even doing his job. He deserved it.

"I need to check the panel now. The outlet is fixed, I think something's burnt there."

I thought Clay would stay with him in the garage, but he came back after showing him the way. Nick was there anyway.

"Was that dickhead staring at you?" Clay spoke as soon as he closed the door.

"Who told you that?" As if I didn't know the answer.

"I noticed it." I knew he lied. He just didn't want to admit that Nick couldn't keep his mouth shut.

"He was probably interested in the tattoo." I shrugged it off, trying to avoid the conflicts.

"On your thigh?" He raised a brow.

That guy wasn't looking at the tattoo in reality. My shorts were pretty... pretty short. Yet the tattoo was even higher than the exposed skin and was written in thin ink, so the possibility of him noticing anything was nonexistent.


I was sitting on the arm of the couch now, and tried my best to wiggle in a way that my shorts would slide up and reveal the tattoo. But I failed, so he had to trust my words.

My breathing slowed when he came closer, towering over me which I guess made him feel powerful. It didn't make me feel powerless tho, and he looked pretty hot doing that, so I didn't complain.

"This one?" He spoke with a low voice.

I was focused on his face cause he was making eye contact and it'd make me look weak if I didn't do the same. But when I felt his fingertips slide up my thigh, under my shorts, and trace the tattoo without even having to look at it, I understood how well he knew my body. He could probably see through my lies too.

But I went with it, hoping he'd give up.

"Yeah. That one." I nodded.

"Lizzy.." Clay leaned down and I could feel his hand gently squeeze my thigh, "Baby, I noticed that tattoo only when I went down on you."

I know what he meant was that he'd been respectful enough to not stare at my upper thighs before anything happened between us, but his words sounded way too intimate paired with the torturous grip on the flesh of my thigh.

"Which brings back a sweet memory." And when his lips brushed against the spot behind my ear, I let go of a jagged breath.

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