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my love
ok so louis is taking a half-day on friday and we're all coming over
hope that's fine

the wife💛
Give me my baby, please

my love
ur baby is already deep in his artistic zone
he does not want to be disturbed
he's painting an important painting apparently

the wife💛
Don't joke

my love

I'm not, babe sorry
Monster, mummy's on the phone.

Shush, I am painting!

Mummy won't have time to talk later, you sure?

Mummy, I love you, but sometimes I need quiet time for a bit you can go talk to Zain. We can talk before bedtime.

Love you, too, baby.

Now shush, Zain!

I'll be in the kitchen, monster.

I don't know if I wanna laugh or cry.
Did he take that sentence verbatim from you, huh?

Not quite but yea.

I love him so much.
So you're coming this weekend with Louis and Freddie?

Yep. Friday afternoon. I'll text when we leave.
I know how to get in if you can't get off work in time.

Yea, ok. I'll try and get groceries. Strawberries for Freddie.

It's fine, we'll just stop on the way.
You don't have to go out of your way.

Okay. Yea. That's be nice.
It's supposed to be warm
This weekend, make sure you bring Freddie's swimming things. And sunscreen.

Yea, ok.
How are you feeling today?

You don't have to ask that every day.

You still look tired, though.

I really don't sleep well without you here.
It sucks. And even your t-shirt doesn't help.

Yea, I noticed that I don't have any anymore.

You steal mine anyways, so it's only fair.
I gotta leave now, have a good day. What are you doing today?

If the monster is painting I might use that chance as well.
And then see what else he wants to do. Definitely go outside for a while so he can run around a bit.

Okay. Give him a kiss once he's done pretending to be you.

Sure. I'll do that.

Don't smirk, my love.
See you later.

See you then.

my love

Hi, mummy.

Hi, baby. How was your day?

It was great!
I painted two whole paintings and then another one and then we went to the park and I played football with Hassan and then we went to buy food because we didn't have much left because you're not here and then we had ice cream and then daddy was home but he was grumpy so I cheered him up and then I played with my dinosaurs and then I watched a snake video on daddy's phone and then a volcano one and then Zain said I had to go to bed but I told him I needed to talk to you first so I am.

That sounds great.

I know. I told you.

What paintings did you paint?

It's a secret, I can't tell.
It's a good secret though. Not a bad secret. Bad secrets aren't really secrets, I think, because you're supposed to tell.

What's a bad secret?

Like when someone is mean to you.
Why don't you know that?
You have to ask Zain, he explains good.

I'll ask him then.

Urgh, Zain's coming. Can you tell him I can't go to sleep yet?

You try that every time, baby, and it never works.

You shouldn't give up on your dreams, mummy.

Okay, I won't, then. Thanks for the advice.
You're in a weird mood today, baby.

I'm just telling it how it is.
Zain, I can't go to sleep.

Yea? Why not?

Because mummy doesn't know a lot of things and I have to teach him. He doesn't know about bad secrets!

I'm sure he does and if not you can teach him tomorrow.
Come on, bed, monster.

But I'm not tired.

But mummy is, look at him, he's barely keeping his eyes open.

But I can stay up!

Nope. Say goodnight.

Night, baby. Sweet dreams.

Night, mummy.

He sighs like a seventy year old, wow.

He does. Sleep well, yea?

I'll try.

Night, babe.


Short 😬

chance connection |2| [zarry]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora