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"Okay guys

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"Okay guys.. TK and C will be back soon.. and fuck, I need to call Eddie too.... oh boy." Maddy said to her animal companions.

'Hey Ed!' Maddy texted.
'Hi sweetheart! You okay?'

He called her when she didn't text back in less than a minute— her usual time.

'Maddy... what's wrong?!'
'Don't freak out Ed.. BUT I fell.. on my left hand & shit. I was trying to change out my curtains..'
'Maddy... why didn't you just wait for me to get back?! We are like 10 minutes away.. you okay??'
'Yeah.. I'm icing my fingers and hand right now.'

'Geeeeez... okay sweetheart, the Uber is like 10 minutes away, like I said.'
'I'm fine Ed,' Maddy chuckled. She could hear the nervousness in his voice. She smiled as she continued to ice her fingers, and prayed her wrist wasn't too fucked up. Eddie took a deep breath on the phone, "did you call TK?!"

'Yes Ed..'
'Good! We just pulled up.. are you able to let us in?! If not, can we wait for TK and them since I assume they're coming over too?!'

'Ed.. I can walk sweetie, it's okay. Calm.' Maddy chuckled lightly as she stood up and walked to her door, 'I'm hanging up.'

She opened the door and Eddie and Buck rushed in to her side.

"Are you good?" Buck asked her as she walked back to the couch. As soon as she sat back down, TK unlocked her door, and he and Carlos walked in followed by Owen.

"For fucks sake Tyler, I'm not dying.. you didn't have to call your dad." Maddy laughed. "But hi daddy O. Thanks for coming... but like I am literally fine guys."

"Let me look at it." TK said as she walked over and gently grabbed her left hand. "Okay... well it doesn't look too bad, on the wrist.. fingers looking a tad swollen. But what do you need help with?"

Maddy chuckled, "well.. everyone, I was just trying to hang up my purple curtains... and I don't think it'll take more than one of you... oh okay." She was interrupted by Eddie, TK, and Carlos walking back to her room. Buck and Owen stayed behind and sat on her couch, "Oh you two.. you can uhm.. actually dust that bookshelf over there please." She winked.

"Guys..." Maddy started a thought, but it was interrupted by the sight of TK and Eddie's asses, as they lifted Maddy's curtains above their heads on her step stool, and Carlos resting his hands on his hips as he was giving directions to the others— his biceps bulging. "Okay guys... I don't really need all of you to help me with.... well, actually...." Maddy sat down on her bed. "My ceiling could use some dusting, and if one of y'all could move my side table to this side. And it's kinda warm in here, so feel free to take your shirts off..." Maddy giggled as she bit her lip.

"Don't be a brat.." TK said as he got off the stool, and stood back to admire his handy work. Maddy shrugged as she bit her lip again, and smacked his ass when he got close enough.

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