Go Forth And Love

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It's mid-March— Maddy has been living with the Strands for about two weeks, and it was exactly what she needed to help herself start to fully heal— if she needed TK, she could just run down to his room

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It's mid-March— Maddy has been living with the Strands for about two weeks, and it was exactly what she needed to help herself start to fully heal— if she needed TK, she could just run down to his room. If she needed Owen, she'd just call for him. It was good for her. Her nightmares eased up, and she sleeping more soundly overall.

The Strand men were worried about her— they worried about her just as much as she worried about them actually. Seeing her being able to feel calm, filled them content and happiness.
"Maddy!" Owen called from the kitchen of the Strand house.

"Yeah daddy O?"

"Do you want waffles or pancakes?"

Maddy laughed as she started her walk from the bathroom. Her pixie cut dripping dry, and body swallowed by a pair of TK's shorts and an old long-sleeve shirt of Tim's. "Pancakes, Owen! You know that!" She laughed.

Maddy sat on the couch, one leg tucked under the other. Tex jumped on her lap and snuggled in the crease of her knee. TK emerged from his room on his phone, and absentmindedly sat down next to Maddy on the couch. "Are you ready for your first shift as an EMT?" Maddy asked him. He looked up from his phone, "hell yeah! Kinda nervous though, but it'll be good. Dad and I are fine too, so yeah.. I'm good and excited!" He reached over to scratch Tex under her chin.

"That's good!" Maddy said she she smiled at him.

"Pancakes are ready!" Owen called from the kitchen.

"Sweet! Thank you!" Maddy licked her lips as she jumped up and headed toward Owen. Tyler laughed at her as he followed her to the kitchen.
"Damn Teek.. you look hot as shit in those new pants," Maddy smirked as TK walked past her. She slapped his ass as he walked by. He turned around and gave her a smug smile— he knows he's hot.

She walked over to him as he stood near the ambulance, "so I have news."

"Oh?" TK's eyes perked up.

"Mmhmm... I think I'll be ready to start dating again before summer.. my therapist says things are going well— living with you and Owen has been tremendously helpful.. I just... have to know that Tim wants me to be happy.."

TK looked at his best friend, and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, "that's great Mads! You can stay.."

"Until the baby comes.. I know. Well maybe you'll be living with Carlos then and I can just move in your room." Maddy laughed. "Nah... I'm still paying rent on my place. I'll leave when then baby comes." TK grabbed her hand and kissed the top of it.
"You're kidding?! Mateo, TK, Owen.. AND Vega without clothes?! And I missed it?! Son of a bitch!" Maddy laughed as Paul told her how their call went earlier. "I mean.. that's prime bisexual territory, and I missed it! Dammit!"

"Yeah.. Cap Vega is really hot too.." Marjan winked.

"Oh come on!" Maddy cackled as she threw her hands up in discontent. "I assumed y'all did it though? Got the dude unstuck?"

"Pfft! Maddy, who do you think we are?" Paul snarked. He rubbed Maddy's arm as he passed.

"Yes, yes.. sorry.. my apologies," she rolled her eyes in return. "I just always like to ask." She winked.
"That's really great, kiddo! I'm glad it's helping you, staying with us!" Owen smiled as he stood across from her at the kitchen island.

"Thank you, so much Owen! Really.." Maddy smiled gently at him. "I'll move back to my place full time, before the baby comes!"

"Yeah.. about that."

"Oh my god. What happened?!"

"Uhm.. don't tell TK.." Owen started. "But Gwen informed me that.. uh, well there's a chance the baby.. might not me mine."

Maddy stood in stunned silence before speaking, "sorry??"

"Yeah.. uh.. it could be her ex's.."

"What?? Aren't you her ex?"

"The other one.. she was married to him for 15 years.. after she and I split.. rebound guy I always called him."

"Ohh.. him?! Wonderful," the sarcasm was strong with Maddy. "So how the hell would he even be in the picture?? She's been here for months right..?"

"Ha yeah...."

Maddy was puzzled until it hit her, "she didn't?! What is wrong with her? Did they.. in your home?!" Maddy was fuming— she loved Gwen, but was considerably closer to Owen, so she'd be on his side for almost everything.

"No.. they. Uhm.. hotel."

"Jesus Christ.... just.. what the fuck?! I can't believe she would do that..!"

"It's okay kiddo.." Owen was tying to reassure her.

"Well what if he's not yours?? I'm not the godmother if the father is not Owen Strand.. full stop!" She took a deep a breath, and continued her rant. "Okay well.. it's definitely yours. I have the utmost confidence...." Maddy cleared her throat, "well I have confidence."

"Yeah.. he's still mine. I'll raise him as mine.." Owen said. His words were those of a confident man, but his eyes were those of man full of anger and sadness.

He sighed before smiling, "I spit into a cup the other day.. guess we'll find out. But DO NOT tell TK.."

"Jesus.." Maddy let out a nervous chuckle. "I won't! Promise! You think I would?"

"You tell him everything Maddy," he winked.

"Yeah.. but if you're telling me not to, I won't.. it's a father son thing for sure. OR A MOTHER son thing.."

Owen winked before coming over to hug her.
A text from Owen came to Maddy's phone, 'Hey kiddo! I have news about the baby.. call me when you get a chance,' the text read. Maddy took her first shift break a little early and walked back to the kitchen, so she could call Owen.

The phone began to rang, and Maddy waited the longest minute of her life when Owen finally answered, 'hey kiddo!'

'Daddy o! You said you had news.. what's going on??'

'Yep I do.' He paused.

"Owen!" Maddy lightly chuckled.

'The baby is mine..'

'Oh my god! Thank God!' Maddy exclaimed. 'One less stressor on you two.'

'That's for sure. Thanks kiddo! See you at home!'

'Yes! Bye daddy O!'

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