Dinner Talk

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"Okay Tex! Easter with the Strand's today! What color sweater should I wear?" Maddy asked her cat the morning of Easter

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"Okay Tex! Easter with the Strand's today! What color sweater should I wear?" Maddy asked her cat the morning of Easter. She wasn't particularly religious, but she still enjoyed spending certain holidays with her family.


"Hmm... light purple you say?"


"Light purple it is! Thanks girl!" Maddy laughed as she threw a catnip filled mouse out in her living room for Tex to chase.

"Okay ready.." Maddy said to herself as she looked in the mirror.

She heard her phone going off, *Positions by Ariana Grande*... it was Eddie. "Hi Ed!" Maddy smiled. "What's up?"

'Happy Easter sweetheart! I loved the bunny ears selfie you sent me earlier..' his voice was more sensual, and quieter than usual. Christopher must've been close. Maddy turned bright red, "oh.. thanks Ed. Glad ya did. Uhm.. what're you doing for Easter? Are y'all on shift?"

'Nah, actually we aren't! I'm having Buck over for a bit before he goes over to his sisters. I'm making a nice small ham and some potatoes and stuff like that. Christopher's helping me.. oh, he wants to talk to you..' Eddie chuckled.
'Hello Ms. Madison..' Christopher said.
Maddy smiled on the phone, 'hello Christopher. Was the Easter Bunny good to you?'

'Yeah he was! I got a new hat, and lots of candy.. and dad is home, so that's fun!'
'Oh yes, it sounds like it!' Maddy's smile widened. 'May I talk to your dad again please? It was great talking to you Christopher.'
'You too Ms. Maddy. Here's dad.'

Eddie was chuckling when he took the phone from Christopher, 'hey sweetheart.'
'Oh my gosh, Edmundo.. I don't know how you did it, but he can't take after you.' Maddy smirked to herself. 'Just kidding sweetie! He's an awesome kid!'
'Yeah, he is.' Eddie said. 'Oh.. I didn't get to ask you, what're you doing for Easter sweetheart?'

'Oh, it's fine.' Maddy laughed. 'I'm going to Owen and TK's!'
'That'll be fun sweetheart! I'm glad you're doing something.'
'Everyone acts like I'm a total hermit or something now!' Maddy laughed harder. 'But I do appreciate it. I'm fine!'

'Okay Maddy, I'm glad! I'll text or call you later, okay?'
'You better...' Maddy smirked to herself.
'Smart! Bye.' Ed chuckled.

'Bye Ed..' Maddy's smirk was now a smile that stretched dimple to dimple as she hung up the phone.
"Alright girl, I'm out! I'll be back after dinner. You have plenty of water and food! Bye girl." Maddy said as she departed for Owen and TK's house. She got in her car, and took a deep breath, getting ready to drive.

She put the car in drive, and took another deep breath as she backed out of her parking spot, and headed for the road. She drove toward the main road, no flashbacks or signs of panic attacks— she was doing great!

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