Questions Without Answers

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"Thanks for spending the night, Teek

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"Thanks for spending the night, Teek." Maddy smiled as she rubbed his chest, carefully waking him up. TK stretched, and pulled Maddy in tighter. "Anytime babes.. anytime. Ohh.. also, I'm on shift this coming weekend... soo maybe you can come over?" Just as he finished talking, Tex jumped on the bed and snuggled between the two. "Hmm.. maybe I'll do just that." Maddy winked as she pet Tex's head.

"I figured as much," TK winked. Maddy smiled as she ran her fingers up and down his chest. "Mmm.. that feels nice Mads." TK mumbled.

"Good! Ohh! I think I'm gonna see your dad after his surgery... well, after he's settled at home and all that. he'll be down and out for a few weeks at least, as you know. Gotta make sure he's taking it easy."
"Dad! Daddy O!.. It's Maddy! I'm coming in!" Maddy announced before using her key to enter his house. Maddy heard shuffling in the den, as she opened the door. "Hey kiddo!" Owen called to her when he saw her. Maddy walked further into his house, "stay seated.. I'm coming." She chuckled.

"How are we feeling?" Maddy asked as she sat down next to Owen on the couch. "You're like three-ish days removed from your surgery.. any weird symptoms?"

"No kiddo.. "

"Dad?" Maddy asked suspiciously. "You gotta tell me if there is.."

"Nah.. just a little weird feeling around the incision sight."

"You gotta let me see it!" Maddy demanded carefully.

Owen gingerly lifted up his shirt to show Maddy his chest— she sighed. "Okay.. good! It's not infected." She said as she carefully palpated it, after sanitizing her hands. "Take some Advil, 300 milligrams. Okay?"

"Okay, I'll do that right now. And it's more itchy, and annoying more than painful I guess." Owen smiled as he walked over to the cabinet and grabbed his ad up bottle.

"Good! Thank you!" Maddy said. "Three. More. Weeks. Owen.. you understand?!"

"Yes kiddo.. I'll be fine. I have a lot to do to keep myself busy..." he insisted. Maddy was weary of his ability to sit still.
"Hey boos!" Maddy said as she opened the door and walked into Carlos, & TK's house. They waisted no time giving her a key after they got settled. Carlos and TK walked up to her, and embraced her in a hug. "Hi Mads! Come in.. we have roasted peanuts for you!" TK winked.

"Thanks boys! Ya know I love my peanuts! When is everyone else getting here?" Maddy asked, as she looked around and dropped her bag off at their island. She grabbed a handful of peanuts, and sat on their couch, waiting for the others to arrive. Maddy looked at the love of her life, looking at the love of his. She loved their love.

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