It's What We Do

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"Hey Liz! Can I run something by you?" Maddy asked as she approached her

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"Hey Liz! Can I run something by you?" Maddy asked as she approached her. Liz sighed as she dropped a stack of file folders on the nursing station, "shoot!"

"Okay.. so I know that miss Ruth Johnson retired just before I started here, but she's famous, so it's hard not to know about her," Maddy laughed. "Anyway.. my friend Grace Ryder. Husband is a firefighter at the 126, Judd. They had that accident last week.."

"Oh yes! How is she?"

"She's doing well, thanks!"

"Great! So what did you need.. about Ruth?"

"Oh yes! Well I was wondering if Ruth.. or anyone else you might have in mind.. would be willing to help Grace out.. just a few times a week— to just check on her, do stuff if she needs.. just until she as the feeling back in her legs and can walk better! Another week, tops!" Maddy cleared her throat. "I'm going over there when I can, or when her husband is on shift."

"Hmmm.. I think Ruth would love to actually! She needs to stay active, and loves helping people. I'll give her a call, and let you know! Can I give her your information so y'all can coordinate?"

"But of course!" Maddy smiled. "Thanks Liz! Let me know what she says or if she needs me to call her or anything!"

"Of course!"
Maddy was lightly limping back towards her desk at the nurses station when she felt her phone vibrating in her pocket— she didn't recognize the number. "Hello, this is Madison!"

'Madison.. glad I caught you dear, it's Ruth. Ruth Johnson.'

'Oh, hello miss Ruth! How are you?'

'I'm fine dear! Heard you might be needing up with a friend of yours?'

'Oh.. yes ma'am. My friend Grace, she and her husband were in a terrible accident.. and her spine is still swollen and bruised, so her legs are without feeling, or sometimes numb.. so she can't walk at 100 percent yet.. so she still needs some help. And I was just wondering if you'd maybe be available, and willing.. or interested in helping me help her.' Maddy cleared he throat as she winched slightly as she waited for Ruth to answer.

'I would be honored to help your friend, dear! Just let me know the details..'

Maddy smiled, 'oh that's wonderful! Thank you! So yeah.. her name is Grace Ryder, and she's lovely. You would literally be going over there maybe three times a week, just to literally check in on her— see if she's using her walker, if she needs any help with anything, vitals, maybe exercises.. just to fill in the gaps when her husband and I are on shift. Uhm.. if that's okay?! I'll pay you... or they'll try to pay you.' She chuckled.

'No ma'am! There is no need for that! I love helping people! Do you think she'll mind me calling her? I just wanna introduce myself, and all that.'

'No miss Ruth, she won't mind that at all..  But let me call her first, just to make sure she's available and to let her know that I found someone.. I gotta run it by her,' Maddy laughed.

Ruth chuckled back to her on the other end of the phone, 'of course dear! You have my number!'

'Thank you miss Ruth! I will be in touch shortly!' Maddy said before she hung up, and finished her walk back to the nurses station. She sat down and got ready to call Grace. She was just hoping Grace would accept the help.

Maddy called Grace, 'hi Grace!'

'Oh hello Maddy, how are ya?'

'I'm well! So anyway.. uhm, I found a nurse friend who's willing to.. help you! If you want help... that is.' Maddy cleared her throat. 'She's super nice! She's retired, but absolutely loves helping people! She's more than happy to help you out!'

'Maddy...' Grace grunted as she got herself situated back in her bed. 'That would be great, thanks.' She sighed. Maddy sighed in return, "you're trying to get back in bed aren't you?"

"Shush. But yeah.. uh, give her my number and have her call me.. I'll be here."

'Good Grace. Just two days a week! Okay?'

'Yes, yes..' Grace sighed again. 'Thanks for doing this for me Maddy.'

'Grace.. it's no problem! I'm a nurse, it's just what we do!'

Maddy hung up with Grace and immediately called miss Ruth again. 'Hi miss Ruth, it's Madison!'

'Hello dear! Did you talk to your friend?'

'I did! She's on board, but still stubborn.. but I I know you too will get along, so don't worry about her for too long!' Maddy smiled through the phone with a laugh.

'Not at all dear! What's her number?'

'Right! Sure it's...'

Maddy was very proud of Grace for accepting the help she was being given. Maddy understands better than most, just how hard it is to feel helpless and needy, and not worthy of help. Grace felt those things as well— but even she finally realized that a little extra help now and then wouldn't be a bad thing.
"Hey Grace! How'd your first day with Ruth go?"

"Great actually. Thanks for pushing me Maddy.. she was able to help out in the kitchen and with some of my physical therapy exercises, and she checked my heart rate and all that other stuff."

"That's great! I'm so glad!"

"Yeah! Me too. She's great! But uhm, you didn't tell me.."

"Tell you what?!"

"That.. uh, shes a women of color."

"Oh yeah.. well I know that for certain women of color, having a caregiver of color, makes them more comfortable, since they have someone who understands their pain or issues from the standpoint of race.." Maddy cleared her throat. "Not to overstep, uhm.. but it's one of the things I remember the most from my Masters program. And from talking to you..."

"Well it's absolutely correct. You take amazing care of me Maddy.."

"But I'll never understand fully. I would do anything for you, and Judd.. hell, all of the 126, so I support you in everything. I get you. But I know I can't.. get everything."

"That's why I love you Maddy.."

Maddy smiled. "Love you too Grace! I'll see you soon!"

"Yeah.. I know ya will." Grace chuckled in return.

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