New Places, New Faces, New Friends

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It's no secret anymore, that in her college days, Maddy was a little promiscuous— she's bisexual, but favors men

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It's no secret anymore, that in her college days, Maddy was a little promiscuous— she's bisexual, but favors men. This allowed her to really enjoy her college years. TK was never a fan of the guys she 'dated' in college, though he never met any in person. She did hold some serious long-term relationships in college as well, but had none in graduate school; she was way to busy.

Now that she's three years removed from grad school, she is ready to date again and has her eyes set on a certain someone. But that would happen all in good time, tonight is Friday. She is meeting her best friends boyfriend, and she had to get ready. Luckily, she has off on Fridays, thanks to her job being amazing and allowing her to do four, ten hour days (meaning to get her 40 hour work week, she works 10 hours a day for 4 days instead of, 5 days a week for 8hrs).

This gave her extra time to spend at the fire station with TK and Owen, and that's what she needed.

"TEEK!" Maddy called from the open garage door of the fire station as she approached. She was wearing a new tan sweater, ass-hugging jeans, and matching boots. She wore this specifically for Paul, even though she knew nothing about him, she was banking on the idea that he would like it. She wanted him to ask her out, not the other way around, if she could help it. She likes to be chased; she's not so big on doing the chasing.

"What Mads?" Tyler replied, with a touch of attitude.

"Excuseeeee you, mr attitude!" Maddy screamed back. "I just came by to hangout with your ugly face."

"Ouch!" Tyler replied as he approached her and kissed her forehead. Maddy playfully slapped his ass, "hey Teek! Do you think Paul likes this outfit?" She whispered.

Tyler laughed at her question, but answered anyway, "judging by how he's looking at your ass. I say yeah."

"Perfect!" Maddy winked back. "He needs to ask me out. I hate being the asker."

"Yeah, I know! Why is that anyway?"

"Because.. being chased is nice, Ty!" Maddy laughed as she smacked his arm. She casually looked around the garage and happened to land on the toned body of the man she was after, Paul. She smiled to herself as she turned quickly away and focused her attention back to TK. "Ready for tonight?" He asked her.

"Hell yes! I cannot wait to meet Carlos! He means so much to you, which makes me happy!"

Tyler smiled at her, "thanks boo! I gotta piss, and then we can go! Be right back!" Just as he walked away, Paul approached Madison.

"Hey Maddy!" His voice making her insides shutter slightly.

"Oh, hi Paul!"

"You look good," he smiled as he subtly looked her up and down.

"Thanks Paul! You look good too.. in your fire pants," Maddy replied, embarrassed by her own comment.

"Thanks," he winked. "So, I was just wondering.. maybe you'd like to get dinner sometime?" His smile was gentle, yet sensual.

"I'd love too!"

"Great! This weekend?"

"Oh, sure! Just not tonight, I'm meeting Carlos tonight!"

Maddy paused for a second, Paul really just asked her on a date. Her planned worked perfectly. She zoned back in on the conversation.

"Okay, how about tomorrow?" Paul smiled.

"Yes! Perfect," Maddy was careful not to seem too desperate.

"Well great! I'll call you." Paul smiled. He turned to walk back to Mateo, but Maddy stopped him.

"Uhm, call me how Paul? You don't have my number," Maddy laughed. "If you give me your phone.. I can put myself in?"

"Deal," he winked.

Maddy added her number into Paul's phone, and added a wink face for good measure. She winked herself, as she handled it back to him, and walked away to meet TK who had re-emerged back in the garage. "Well, Paul and I have a date tomorrow." She said plainly. "Let's go meet Carlos!" She started to walk past Tyler into the station.

"That's all you're gonna tell me?!" Tyler inquired as he followed her to their kitchen. Maddy was helping herself to some chips from an upper cabinet as she smirked at her best friend, "thats all there is to know babe!"

Tyler shook his head and gestured for her to follow him out of the station. "What're we doing?" Maddy asked when they got outside.

"Carlos is gonna pick us up here for dinner," Tyler smiled.

"Awesome!" She put the chips back and walked to Tyler.
Carlos pulled up after what seemed to be, judging by his face, a long shift. Tyler's eyes widened with lust and sparkled with passion as he saw his lover pull into a parking spot in front of the station. "Hey babe!" Tyler said as Carlos emerged from his car. Maddy smiled at how happy just the sight of Carlos made Tyler.

"Babe, this is Maddy! My best friend since third grade!" Tyler said as he placed a loving arm around Maddy. His smile always put her at ease.

"Nice to meet you, Carlos!" She said.

"Hi Maddy, nice to meet you too!" He said as he reached out his hand.

"I'm a hugger!" Maddy smiled as Carlos nodded his head with a smile, and she embraced him in a hug. Maddy subtly took his scent in, "wow Teek! I know why y'all are together! Damn. Hottest couple in Texas! I know y'all just started dating, but still, damn!" She winked.

"Okay Mads..." Tyler was as red as the firetruck behind him.

"Sorry boo!" Maddy blushed too. "Let's eat!" She tried to laugh away her awkwardness, and Carlos winked at her, so she knew it was okay.
"Thanks for dinner Carlos!" Maddy said as she walked her plate to his sink. "It was delicious!"

"Glad you liked it Maddy!" Carlos replied as he rubbed Tyler's arm.

"Well I'm gonna Uber back to my hotel, so y'all can... enjoy your night." She winked.

"Are you sure?" Tyler said as he stood to hug her. She reached her arms and gave him a giant hug. "Definitely." She grabbed her coat and called an Uber on her phone. Carlos walked over to her to hug her as well. She took in his smell, and smiled as she pulled away when her phone *pinged*

"Op! Uber! Bye boys! Love you Ty!" She said as she practically skipped down the sidewalk to meet her driver. On her ride home, she thought about her day tomorrow— it was her first date with Paul, the man she noticed the minute she walked into the station, and she had to be mentally and physically ready.

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