Father Daughter Day

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Maddy was recovered from her panic attack, and was getting ready for her weekend with Owen

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Maddy was recovered from her panic attack, and was getting ready for her weekend with Owen. She was continually thankful to Carlos for being there for her, but she hadn't been quite ready to tell TK about her attack, until today.
'Hey Teek!' Maddy said on the phone as she laid in her bed on Friday morning. Tex jumped up on the bed next to her.
'Hey Mads! What's up gorgeous?'
'Just laying here.. are you at your dads or Carlos's?'

'Dads! Why?'
'Oh good! I'll be over there a little later. Your dad is coming to get me!'
'Oh! That is today! I forgot!' TK said. 'I should be here then, at least for a little! It is your father daughter day, so I won't get in the way.'
'It'll be good to see you! Uhm.. I do have to tell you something though...'

'What's up Mads?!' His tone was one of curiosity and worry.
'Well, uhm.. the other day.. I went to pick up my car.. and I drove it.'
'Who took you?'

'Oh okay! Anyway, keep going...'
'Yeah.. okay, so I get in and start it, rev it. And back out of the spot, I'm fine. I pull out of the parking lot and then onto the road.. still fine. and the speed limit is 50 on that stretch, but I hit 60, and was still fine, but then uhm, I came to a red light and stoped, but when I looked in my rearview... it didn't look like the car behind me was gonna stop. So when the light turned green, I floored it.. and uhm, long story short.. They were certainly gonna stop, they were way behind me... but I had to pull over and tend to a panic attack...'

"Oh my god, Mads. Are you okay?? Did you get out of it?'
'Yeah.. I texted mom, and uhm.. I had to call someone. It was a bad one. So, Carlos came and talked me through it.' Maddy sighed.

TK sighed too, 'sheesh Mads. I thought it would be to soon for you to drive. But I'm glad that Carlos was able to come. And I'm SO proud of you for asking for help, and telling someone new about your mental illness! Did you drive home?'

'Yeah, he followed me, and I was fine! Ugh, thanks Teek! That means so much!'
'Well good! Why didn't you call me or dad though?'
'Y'all were on shift and you wouldn't have had the time. But I wanted to tell you anyway! And your dad still doesn't know....'

'Are you gonna tell him?' TK asked.
'Yeah.. I think so. This weekend, maybe today.' Maddy said.
'Gosh. I am so proud of you, and if you want me to be there when you tell him, I will be.'

'Oof, yes please! You're the love of my life Tyler Kennedy Strand!' Maddy laughed, 'don't tell Carlos!'
'Oh, Mads.. he knows.' TK laughed back. Maddy laughed harder as she said her goodbyes, 'okay Teek. I gotta get up and pee. I'll see ya later!'
Maddy got up and went to the kitchen to make herself breakfast, after she used the bathroom. She was extremely excited to spend quality time with Owen; they haven't been together, with just one another in several weeks, so Maddy really needed it. Owen did too.

Maddy finished up her breakfast and went to her bedroom to her dressed for her day with her adoptive dad, "Tex! Come here girl!" Tex came trotting into Maddy's room. "Okay, leggings or jeans?"

Big City Transplant (911: Lone Star FanFic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora