Pandora's Box

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**major trigger warning**~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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**major trigger warning**

Maddy waved to Owen again before heading back out to her car. She was taken aback when she saw Billy again. "Oh hello..." Maddy swallowed. She tried to casually walk past him, but he nonchalantly stood in her path.

"Hellooo.. Madison. Where are you off to tonight?"

"Uhm.. heading to a friends house." Maddy said with an incredibly forced smile. She didn't want him to know where she lived. She knew he was... harmless, but he still made her a little uncomfortable.

"Ohh... I see." Billy said as be carefully inched closer to Maddy. "Well if you're ever.. uh, bored of that.. how's about a date with a real man?" He winked.

Maddy had to hide her panicked eyes, so she carefully looked away, "uhm.. maybe Billy. I'm not really the dating type.. haven't had much time, but.. uh.. maybe."

"Excellent..." he licked his lips as he intensely studied Maddy's petite body. Maddy felt her blood start to run hot, as her level of uncomfortableness continued to grow.

"Well.. I better get going." She chuckled uncomfortably. Billy gently, yet firmly grabbed her right arm, as she turned. "I'll see you around... here's my card, address and phone on there. If you ever want some... company." He winked again. Maddy smiled, and as quickly as possible, walked to her car. She took a deep breath, calming her nerves, and put her car in drive.

Maddy had every intention of going home right away— she needed to see Tex, but she pulled over and waited for a moment. When she didn't see Billy's truck around, she continued her drive to her apartment; calling TK on the way there. 'Hi Teek!'

'Hi boo! What's up?'

'Just driving home.. I was visiting your dad. He's.. he said he was going to back of the arson crap. But we'll see..' Maddy chuckled.

"Yeah.. we will. It is dad." TK chuckled back.

'True.. I'll hit you up later babes! I'm pulling onto my.. street..'

'Okay! You okay...?' TK asked; he sensed a hesitancy in her voice.

'Yeah, I'm good! Sorry.. just was concentrating,' Maddy chuckled.

'Okay, well, be good! I'll see you later!' TK laughed.

Maddy smiled to herself, 'yes! Bye boo!'
Maddy had a terrible time falling asleep, not because of her encounter with Billy, but because she was grappling with a gut feeling that was telling her that Billy was the arsonist. She didn't have solid proof, just a feeling. He was visiting Owen way too much, and probably asking him way too much.

'How do I get this asshole to admit that it's him?! Or at least... how do I get more proof?' She said to herself as she absentmindedly pet Tex, who was purring away beside her. Maddy eventually closed her eyes, and fell asleep.

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