I Love You, Man

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'Hey Ed

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'Hey Ed. It's TK, from 126.'

'Hey man! What's up?'

'Yeah, uhm.. I just wanted to call and catch up, see how things are at the 118?'

'They're great man! Really good! Using a lot of your dads tricks actually!'

'That's great! He'll be glad to hear it!'

'So.. how's our girl? Uhm.. your girl.'

'OUR girl is doing great!'

'Thanks TK. So what else is up?'

'Yeah, uhm.. I just wanted to thank you for going to visit Maddy the other day. I know it meant a lot to her.'

'Oh yeah man.. it was a non-issue. Really, no problem! I know we got started on the wrong foot... but I do really care about Maddy man. I know about her and.. her.. boyfriend, and I'm respectful of that, I am.'

'That means a lot to her too. Tim was a great guy, and she loved him a hell of a lot. So while I know she likes you too.. I just gotta look out for her. She's perfect, and deserves perfection.. she's just.. she cannot get hurt again. She cannot... emotionally, or hell even physically, ha.'

'Hey man, I get it! The last thing I wanna do is hurt her! I did ask her to come out to Cali, but only if and when she's ready...'

'And if that's another six months?!'

'Then I'll be here, waiting. Or I'll be in Texas a whole hell of a lot.'


'Look TK, I know you think I'm an asshole, but I am telling you I'm not. I like Maddy.'

*sigh* "I
know ya do dude. I'm just so protective of her.. and they way you just came into Texas and took advantage of her, didn't sit right with me. BUT, seeing you with her.. the day of her.. accident, made me realize that you're not a total prick.'

'Ha. Well thanks man. I know how scary that was for you.'

'Ha, yeah to say the least.'

'But the point is, I get the bond you two share, I really do. And I'm taking it slow on purpose, we're going at her pace.'

'That's good man..'

'I know how special she is, and it's my goal to not hurt her. That's also why I'm taking it slow, if she doesn't like me like that.. I want to give her space to end it, if she needs to. I don't want either of us to fall too fast, but especially her.. if I can help it.'

"I doubt it's like that man, ha. But I respect that."

'Thanks man. Just speaking the truth.'

'Yeah... I appreciate you man. You do take good care of her, and care about her, which is the bare minimum I ask for, ha.'

'That's not hard though dude. She's an amazing young women.'

TK paused at his use of the word young. 'Oh, you're preaching to the choir man! Hey anyway, thanks for taking my call. I'm glad we're better now dude. It's easier for Maddy too.'

'Oh for sure man! I never wanted to step on your toes..'

'No, I know that man. Thanks!'

'Of course dude!'

'Alright man, I'm out to go meet our girl, and Carlos! I'll have her text you!'

'Ha! She'll text me when she wants too..'

'Good answer. Later!'


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