Game Plan

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"Thanks again Maddy," Grace said as she leaned on Maddy while walking into her house

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"Thanks again Maddy," Grace said as she leaned on Maddy while walking into her house. Maddy winked, "no trouble at all. It's kinda my job." Maddy was limping something awful— all that running around last week, really did a number on her nearly-healed ankle— not to mention her knee. Maddy didn't want Grace or Judd to feel bad, so if she or Judd asked about it, she would say she tripped... she knew Judd would feel awful otherwise.

"Okay Grace.. into bed." Maddy laughed as Grace begrudgingly followed Maddy's orders. "It's only for a few days.. you just have to take it easy since your spine is still bruised.. which is why there is low feeling and numbness in your legs. Totally normal." She smiled. Grace smiled back at Maddy and reached for her hand. "Thank you.... I know you hurt yourself. You're limping.."

"Ha, I'm fine. I just tripped." Maddy chuckled. Grace furrowed her brow at her, "Madison..."
Maddy sighed, "fine.. I didn't trip. But I'm fine.. it's all good." She rubbed Grace's arm. "Also, I would like to point out how much of a rockstar you are.. leaving the hospital just three days after... being underwater for six minutes.. you're a trooper. That's amazing!"

"I couldn't have done it without you Maddy," she smiled. Maddy waved off her compliment, "you did this Grace! Do you need anything before I go? I'll be back after work.. since Judd's on shift."
"Noo.. no no.." Grace chuckled. "No ma'am.."
"Grace..." Maddy titled her head towards her. "I'm literally fine helping you.. I want to." She chuckled.

"I don't need help.. I got it.." Grace grunted as she shifted in bed. Maddy chuckled again, "such a Ryder.. STUBBORN.. I'll be back after work.. okay?"

"Yeah.. yeah, okay."
"And call Judd or me if you need anything in the interim! Seriously. Okay?"
"Yes ma'am.."
"Welcome back Maddy! Only a few more weeks of your braces and casts and shit right?" Jen asked as Maddy approached her at the nurses station. "Yeah.. one more for the wrist, and two more for the ankle... and I think my knee needs one now, ha! I fucked it up again chasing Judd's stupid ass around the fourth floor the other day!" Maddy shook her head.

Jen laughed, "oh yeah! I forgot about your meniscus!"
"Yeah.. so did I. Pretty sure it's totally fucked now. Do not tell TK or Carlos," Maddy shrugged with a laugh as she limped over to her chair, and sat down with a small wince. She rubbed her knee, "Jen..."
"Ice?" Jen smiled.
"Ugh, yes please. So sorry!"
"No worries!"

Jen walked away to grab Maddy an icepack for her knee, when one of the male nurses approached. His name is Peter Phillips— he's a few years older than Maddy (33 years old to Maddy's 28). Green eyes, light brown hair, LGBTQI+ ally (they openly talk about it with each other), cat person. They're friends, and coworkers. But Maddy had no idea he wants to be more. "Hey Maddy!" He waved. Maddy smiled at him, "hey Pete! How are ya today?"
"I'm fine! How's your friend Grace doing? And how are you?" Peter chuckled.

"Good! I'm fine as well! Grace is doing surprisingly great, for her situation!" She smiled back. "Good!" Peter tapped the nurses station desk and winked at Maddy before walking away. Jen reappeared just then, "here Mads. I brought several!"

"Ah! Thanks girl! This shift is gonna suck ass, but I'm just glad I'm here. Lord knows." Maddy laughed as she grabbed one of the icepacks and wrapped it around her bum knee.
Maddy waved to her friends as she ended her eight-hour shift, and prepared to head back to Grace and Judd's to check on Grace.

She pulled up in front of their house and limped towards the front porch. She grabbed the mail from the mailbox affixed to the outside fascia, and prepared to text Judd for the garage code so she could enter the house. But before she could that, she heard Grace, from inside.

"Maddy... ugh help... key is under the rug.." she called. Maddy panicked, and threw up the rug, grabbed the spare key, and shakily opened the door. She was met with Grace, splayed out in her hallway. "What the hell happened?! Are you okay?" Maddy immediately bent over and helped her stand.

"I wanted to go to the kitchen..."
"Gracie.. I told you to call me or Judd if you needed anything!" Maddy said, as she carefully walked Grace to their living room.

"I don't need help.."
"Grace.... I get it, trust me! But you gotta stop being stubborn eventually.." Maddy laughed as she gestured up and down her broken and bruised body. "But you have to be careful. Your spine is still swollen, and healing... you gotta take it easy! Okay?"
"Yeah... I know, I guess you're right." Grace smiled gently.

"Okay, well we need a new game plan! You're gonna hate this, but.. I know plenty of part-time, and retired nurses who I'm sure would love to come over and help you during the day, or when Judd and I are on shift!" Maddy smiled carefully. Grace started to chuckle uncomfortably, "Maddy.. that's not happening."

"When I talk to Judd it will.." Maddy smirked. "Just for a few hours.. they'll pop in, do some chores.. check on you, and pop out...."
"I don't know... I'll think about it Maddy.."

"Just let me ask around, and see what I can do? And I won't talk to Judd... yet. Deal?"
"You're just as bad as Judd, and his dad. But that's a deal..." Grace winked at Maddy. "Thanks."

"Of course! Any time, I mean it! Now.. since I have you in the living room, what do need from the kitchen or anywhere really? Do you want me to make you...." Maddy's thought faded as she looked into a random nook, "why aren't you using your walker, Grace?" She asked. Grace sighed, "its extra.. and I don't need that kinda help. I am a strong Texas women." She chuckled.

Maddy sighed too, "Can you please use it when you need to leave your room..?"
"I can try.. for you Maddy. And the baby.. and I guess for Judd too," Grace chuckled.

"Exactly!" Maddy smiled as she felt a tear form in her eye, but she forced it away with a laugh. "Thanks Grace! Trust me, I KNOW it sucks."

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