Soulmates Aren't Always Lovers

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"Thanks for the ice babes," Maddy smiled as she flopped the pack down on her knee

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"Thanks for the ice babes," Maddy smiled as she flopped the pack down on her knee. She patted the empty spot on the couch next to her, and TK collapsed onto it. He leaned his head on her shoulder. "You can lay in my lap," Maddy said. TK smiled and slid down so his head was in her lap. Maddy began to run her fingers through his voluminous hair, as TK grabbed the remote and searched for something to watch.

"I love you, so much." Maddy smiled down at him. "Just wanted to remind you." She said. TK smiled at her, as he settled on 'Ant Man.' "I love you too Mads.. so much." The look of love on his face, put Maddy at ease and erased her pain. She continued to run her fingers through TK's hair.

"Favorite thing about me when you first met me, and favorite thing now?" Maddy asked. TK scrunched his face at her, "dimples and dimples... also your laugh. If you're talking physical features, or quirks!" He laughed. Maddy smiled, "yay! I just like to keep you on your toes when it comes to why you love me."

"I love everything about you Mads.. you know that!"
"I know. And I know that you're in love with Carlos, but I also know.. that you're my soulmate. Our souls are meant to be one.. and I know you're about to make fun of me for that." Maddy chuckled. "But it's just true.."

TK sat up and grabbed Maddy's face in his hands, he chuckled. "You're right. I am gonna make fun of you.. BUT I also agree, 100 percent. You've been my day one, since day one.." TK chuckled. "I agree 100 percent. We are soulmates. Always will be."

"I better be your best woman at your and Carlos's wedding.." Maddy sniffed. "That's all I know." TK kissed her cheek, "you're the only person who could ever fill that spot babes."

"Good! Better be!"
"Of course dear!" TK winked. He sighed before he spoke again, "I'm gonna sleep over, if that's okay?"
"Hmm.. duh!" Maddy cheered. "I'll need to shower.. feel free to join me later."

"Sure," TK chuckled as he laid his head back down on Maddy's lap. She had her arms crossed until TK cleared his throat, and not-so-casually pointed to his head. Maddy rolled her eyes with a laugh, as she placed her right hand on his chest and ran her left one through his hair.

"Babes.. you coming?"

"Tyler.. I just got into my bedroom.. I'm not even naked yet," Maddy laughed in return. She quickly disrobed and hobbled to her bathroom to join TK, who already started to water. When Maddy pulled back the curtain, TK was standing ready with her body wash. Maddy smiled dimple to dimple, as tears slightly filled her eyes. "I must've been amazing in a former life to have you in my life right now Tyler Kennedy Strand..."

"We're just meant to be." He smiled back at her as she got in the shower. He started to lather up her loofah, and she turned to face him, taking his body in.

Maddy smiled, as the feeling of someone she loved so dearly treating her so well overwhelmed her— Tim used to the do the same things. That's why TK liked Tim so much. Maddy closed her eyes for a moment, taking in the smell of her body wash, and the feeling of TK's hands touching her. "Damn you for being gay.." she said as she opened one of her eyes. She matched TK's gaze, and the two broke into heavy laughter. "I know, I know.. it's such a shame for you." TK said through laughter. Maddy playfully slapped his chest as she turned around to rinse the soap off of her body.

TK grabbed her shampoo and squeezed a two quarter-sized amount into his hand, and started to lather up her hair. Maddy closed her eyes and smiled, as she placed her hands on top of his and guided her shampoo throughout her hair. TK kissed her nose, causing Maddy to giggle.

TK and Maddy washed each others body's, before TK got out so Maddy could shave.
"Babes, you good?" TK asked from the hallway as Maddy finally turned off the shower. "Yeah.. I'm good babe! Sorry.. coming over now!" Maddy called back as she carefully got out of the shower, and wrapped herself in her other brown towel.

"Looking good babe!" Maddy winked as she dropped her towel and dug through her dresser to look for some pjs— one of TK's shirts, and a pair of Tim's shorts, her go to. "ME?! Babe, YOU'RE looking good!" Tk said. Maddy shrugged as she pulled some pink panties out of her drawer, "I'm feeling so gross and fat lately.. body dysmorphia acting up again I guess."

"Well.. I know you won't hear it..." TK started. Maddy was looking at him in the mirror as she did her hair. TK continued, "but you are perfectly beautiful. From your toes to your nose.. perfection."

Maddy finished her hair, and turned to face him. "Really?" She asked. TK got up from her bed, and walked towards her. "Of course Madison Jean... if I liked girls, I would be all over you... more than I am now! You and me would be a great couple, kid. But remember that I still love you, regardless of my sexuality... you'll always be my number one." Maddy couldn't hold the tears back anymore, as she rubbed her stomach under her shirt. "Holy shit.. I love you Tyler."

TK broke their hug and jumped back on Maddy's bed, and tapped it playfully, yet with a slight seductive touch that made Maddy warm inside. She jumped on the bed, and snuggled up next to the love of her life. "Hmm... comfy." She said as she buried her head into TK's chest. He rubbed her head and reached for the remote.

Maddy lifted her head and met his eyes, kissing him softly on the lips. "Sorry.. they were just right there." Maddy shrugged. TK laughed as he kissed her back before getting more comfortable on the bed.

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